Chapter 39

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Ryoma gave him a harsh glare saying, "What is the bet?"

"If Ore~sama wins, Yuri~san must go on a date with me and you have to break off your marriage," Atobe betted.

Ryoma looked at Yuri for any reassurance, and Yuri had a smirk on her face. Yes, Ryoma knew of the angel, but she didn't tell Ryoma that she knew the outcome of this match. Feeling that she knew what would happen, Ryoma was still a bit on edge.

"What's in it for me?" he asked.

"Well, Ore~sama will not bother you nor Yuri~san again. Plus, I'll let you shave my head..." Atobe added.

Ryoma sighed but agreed, shaking Atobe's hand as he then walked to his side of the court to serve.

"Atobe Keigo vs Ryoma Echizen, 1st game. Echizen to serve," the umpire announced.

Ryoma then threw the ball into the air, preparing to serve his usual Twist serve. Atobe smirked and when it was shot at Atobe, he stepped back and returned it. Ryoma then went for another shot and a fierce rally commenced.

For a while, they played on and off, constantly fighting for points. Ryoma and Atobe were playing for over an hour and they both were getting exhausted. Eventually, they collapsed.

Yuri noticed that Atobe got up and that Ryoma was still on the floor. Yuri knew that she didn't want to be away from Ryoma again, nor did she want to go on a date with that pedophile of a jerk. She stood from her seat and yelled, "RYOMA! STAND UP! DO YOU REALLY WANT TO NOT ONLY LOSE TO THIS PEDOPHILE, BUT LOSE ME AS WELL?"

Hearing Yuri yell this, Ryoma immediately began to stand up and used the rest of his energy to hit a Twist Serve. The shot went over and it was in. Ryoma won and once they announced it, Ryoma seemed to have gained his energy back because he then hopped over the net, towards Atobe. It wasn't evident, but Atobe was actually unconscious in a standing position.

"Yuri! Pass it here~" Ryoma called. Yuri sighed and went through her bag. She then took out a razor and threw it to Ryoma. Ryoma caught it without having the blade cut his hand. Ryoma smirked as he began to shave Atobe's head, ignoring the cries of the other regulars.

While Ryoma was shaving Atobe's head, Yuri was being interrogated by the other regulars...

"Yuri. Where the heck did you get that razor from!" Oishi asked.

"W-Well.... I had that raz-"

"YURI SAKURI! Where did that razor come from?!?!" Momoshrio butted in.

Yuri tried to talk again, but was cut off by Eiji. One by one, the other regulars butted in, but Tezuka and Fuji tried to explain that Yuri was getting frustrated. They didn't listen so Yuri became frustrated with the boys. Her eyes went gold and silver, before she yelled, "SHUT UP."

The teams went silent, looking at Yuri who was pretty much a megaphone on blast right now. "Y-Yes Y-Yuri," They apologized.

She sighed and rubbed her temple, mumbling to herself, "I'm with a bunch of idiots right now."

She shook those thoughts off though and explained the actual situation, "Ryoma's dad wanted me to buy him a razor this morning, but I forgot to drop it off. That meant that it was in my bag, but it was by coincidence that Atobe had made that bet."

"Well, I hope you buy his dad a new razor because now it's covered in Atobe's hair," Fuji smirked. Yuri sighed and nodded.

The umpire had surprisingly allowed this to happen, waiting patiently for it to be over. Once they finished, the umpire announced the score.

"6-7, Ryoma Echizen wins. 2-3 final score, Seigaku is moving on to play in the semifinals against the winner of the match between Shitenhoji and Fudomine," He announced.

The teams then met at the net, bowing at one another to finish their matches. Once they left the courts, Yuri hugged Ryoma. She silently cried in his arms, trying not to make her breakdown evident.

Ryoma held her and said that he'd be back with Yuri in a bit. The team agreed and Ryoma took Yuri to one of the open courts that weren't in use at the moment. He sat down on one of the benches and rubbed Yuri's back as she cried into his chest. After a while, Yuri had finally calmed down.

Yuri looked up from Ryoma's chest, revealing her tear-stained cheeks and puffy red eyes. Ryoma moved his hand to her cheek, using his thumb to wipe away any of the stray tears that fell from her eyes.

"Are you okay now?" Ryoma asked, his voice laced with worry. Yuri Ryoma frowned and used his finger to tilt her head up. He held eye contact with her, watching her eyes shimmer from the sunlight.

"I would never let you go. Never again will I allow that. I will always be with you and I won't let you go," Ryoma reassured. Yuri felt butterflies in her stomach at his touching words.

Ryoma's eyes slowly travelled down towards Yuri's lips. Slowly, they began to inch closer and eventually had closed the gap between themselves. The kiss was full of love and passion, but it was still innocent. Yuri then tried to pull away, but Ryoma was quick to place his hand behind her head, pulling her closer.

Yuri felt Ryoma nibble on her lip, making her moan out in his mouth. Yuri tilted her head to deepen the kiss and they pulled away due to the lack of oxygen; a string of saliva still connecting their lips. Yuri was panting and so was Ryoma. Yuri blushed while Ryoma smirked. He gave Yuri a light peck to remove the string of saliva; Yuri's blush darkened even more than before.

Ryoma's smirk widened as Yuri reburried her face into his chest. Ryoma let out a small chuckle, the vibrations from his chest being felt by Yuri as she tried to calm down. "Are you done yet?" Yuri asked monotonously.

Ryoma nodded and said, "Well, could you get off my lap so we can go meet back up with the guys? They're probably thinking we are doing something a bit more sinful..."

Yuri picked up on his emphasis when he mentioned how they could be doing something so unholy, when in reality they're cuddling on a bench. Yuri reluctantly got off of Ryoma's lap though and began fixing herself, dusting off the dirt that had fallen on her skirt.

Ryoma smiled and interlaced his hand with Yuri's as they began to walk back to the group. While walking, they didn't talk much and were just enjoying not only the peaceful atmosphere, but they were also enjoying each other's company.

When they got back to the others, the others looked at Yuri with worry-filled eyes. Yuri gave them a reassuring smile and they seemed to have gotten the message because they seemed to have relaxed a bit more. That is...

until a certain group of people came.... 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now