Chapter 10

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"You can dance?!?!" Oishi exclaimed. Yuri and Ryoma thought the question was directed to them so they answered in unison by accident.


The group just sweatdropped at their unison, thinking all the same thing as the freshmen couple smiled, 'How are they so synchronized?'

Yuri turned to Ryoma, pulling him up as she nodded. She then ran to her phone that was plugged into a speaker.

"Could you dance for us? We'll be your audience!" Eiji requested. Yuri nodded, looking at Ryoma.

He shrugged his shoulders, saying, "It's fine." Though, he didn't know what he was in for...

Yuri jumped up with a smile. Ryoma did whatever it was to keep her happy. Knowing that she was happy with dancing was all that mattered right now.

She played the song and he remembered dancing this with her before. He let his body use muscle memory to dance, and he originally had forgotten how romantic this dance was. Oishi held Eiji's arms, making sure he wouldn't jump and try to glomp onto either of the freshmen as they danced. 

After dancing, the regulars were shocked at how well their kohai could dance.

"O-Ochibi! What the hell! W-Why!" Eiji shrieked. Ryoma and Yuri both covered their ears. Yuri gave him a glare, shutting Eiji up immediately.

"Seriously though, why are you guys making this dance so romantic. I mean, you guys are only freshmen!" Kaido implied, if you looked closely, he had a small blush on his cheeks.

Yuri blushed before looking at Ryoma. Ryoma got the message and his eyes widened. He shook his head saying, "No! You are not showing them that video!"

This piqued their interest. A video? What was it of? They gathered around Yuri, asking her about the video. Knowing that he couldn't stop her even if he just tried, he ran to the corner, curling up into a ball with his cap hiding his beet red face. 

After watching the video, the boys were surprised at the fact that he danced like that before he even knew the regulars.

"When was this taken?" Fuji asked. Yuri smiled and looked off at the blushing Ryoma.

"Well, this was taken by my brother when Ryoma and I entered a dance competition with me. He didn't know how to dance, but that year it was to have a sensual or a couple dance. I entered both themes and I won with Ryoma in the couple's one, and got 2nd with my sensual dance," Yuri said, pride etched into her voice.

The boys nodded, and agreed to go back to class, since the bell had rung, signalling that classes were going to start soon. The group then dispersed, going to their respective classrooms, Kaido and Momo arguing like usual on their way to their own while the 3rd years went to their respective classrooms. Yuri went to help Ryoma up, and walked to class, not caring that she was still holding Ryoma's hand affectionately. On their way back, Ryoma said something that warmed Yuri's heart...

"I won't let her hurt you again. I'll take away your sufferings and pain if I have to..." 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now