Chapter 16

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The next day at school, Yuri had just got out of class and was on her way to the courts. She was minding her own business when a girl came up to her. "Sakuri~san, Ryuzaki~sensei needs to see you. She's in the tennis club office," the girl informed. Yuri nodded, saying a simple thank you before going to the office.

When she got there, Tomoka and Sakuno were sitting there, and Tomoka seemed mad. Ryuzaki sensei was watching them when she noticed Yuri enter. "Yuri, you're here. Okay, so we can solve this situation," Ryuzaki sensei smiled.

Yuri sat in one of the seats that were in front of the desk, keeping a slight distance from the other girls. "Okay, so Tezuka has informed me of the fact that he has banned you Tomoka from seeing Yuri and Ryoma, as well as going onto the courts. Is that correct?" Ryuzaki sensei huffed. Tomoka silently nodded, clenching her fists.

"Okay. Yuri, I am aware that she slapped you, and tried to slap you a 2nd time as well, but was stopped by your brother's girlfriend and the intervention of Ryoma," she added. Yuri nodded, muttering a small 'yes.'

"Sakuno, Tezuka said you had something to do with this. What is it?" Ryuzaki sensei asked. Before Sakuno said anything, Yuri raised her head, and began speaking.

"Ryuzaki sensei, we cleared that misunderstanding. She said that you needed her, and that's why she rushed out of the classroom and Tomoka mistook that rushing for escaping," Yuri explained politely. This caught Ryuzaki Sensei's attention.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well, I had been about to wake Ryoma up from the small nap he took on my shoulder. Sakuno ran out of the classroom and Tomoka came up to me, and that's when she slapped me. Sakuno had approached me after, explaining to me that you needed to see her, so she thought it was important and she didn't want you to wait," Yuri clarified. Ryuzaki sensei nodded at this, understanding the problem.

"Okay. Tomoka, you have to follow Tezuka's orders and I have to do this, but you're removed from the cheerleading club as well. I'm sorry, but I don't think you'll be able to do anything after doing that to one of our reserved regulars," Ryuzaki sensei explained. Tomoka stood up, and tried to punch Yuri, possibly because she was completely pissed and angry, but Sakuno had other plans.

She stood in front of Yuri, taking the hit. To say Yuri was surprised was an understatement, and she immediately took Sakuno to the nurses office, making sure to tend to the bruise and fixing up the girl's poor face.

"Yuri, thank you for helping me," Sakuno smiled. Her smile faltered as she winced in pain.

Yuri shook her head, taking Sakuno's hands into her own, "No. Thank you. If you weren't there to help me, I probably would have a bleeding face since she seemed to have been aiming for the side of my face that she had slapped yesterday. I can't thank you enough, this is the best I can do to repay you."

Yuri and Sakuno hugged, a smile on both of their faces. "Now, let's go back to practice," Yuri chuckled. Sakuno smiled and agreed with her, giving her an eager nod.

When they got to the courts, they noticed someone on the courts...

"Who are you?" 

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