Part 28

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Italics- Lydia's voices


Laurel felt her soul reach back into her body and she took a big gasp, pulling herself up. When she looked around, the team was waking up as well.

"How are we still alive?" she asked confusedly. "Tatsu was inoculated so I gave it to you," Malcolm explained and she nodded. "So how are we supposed to get out of here?" Ray asked. "Especially before the wind starts again," Tatsu added.

There was a whooshing noise throughout the sanctuary and a red flash appeared in front of the door. "Barry!" Felicity exclaimed. "Felicity! You just revealed my identity to a villain," he said, glancing at Malcolm. He rolled his eyes and looked back at Barry to do something. Barry set his hands on the glass and his hands began to vibrate. The quick movement made the glass shatter and he was able to pull open the second door. "Let's go," he said.

Barry sped everyone into the spare room where their weapons were. "I'm never going to get used to that," Diggle gagged, barfing into the corner. He pulled himself up and they began grabbing their weapons.

"Are you going to stay and fight bad guys?" Felicity asked Barry. "Sorry, I can't. But I hope you guys get Oliver back," he said lastly before speeding away. "We need to get back to Star City," Malcolm instructed, "they must be on their way."


Oliver was strapped onto a seat next to Ra's and Nyssa. The plane's turbulence rumbled and they shook around. "Ra's, the plane will reach the city in 30 minutes," an assassin informed him and he nodded.

Oliver leaned his head back to meditate. All he could think about was everything coming to an end with his death. "When this is done, you will be Ra's Al Ghul," Ra's said, snapping him out of his mind. "Proud."

The plane shook again, but something felt wrong. "Two turbulence are down," the assassins told him. "Nyssa, what are you doing?" Ra's asked, slightly annoyed. "I didn't do anything," she told him. Oliver glanced at her and she already knew it was him.

The two got out their seat and fought and killed the assassins on the plane. When they turned around for Ra's, they saw he had tossed the parachutes down and jumped off the plane with the last one.

Oliver caught himself on the side as the plane rumbled and he watched the dead bodies roll off. He went into the cockpit and Nyssa sat in the co-pilot seat. He held the handles and made eye contact with Nyssa to brace for impact as the plane landed in a field.


Oliver and Nyssa made their way into Palmer Technologies and to the top office. "Ollie?" Thea's voice trembled and they hugged.

When he looked at the rest of the team, they were both happy to have him back and angry for things he had done. "Thank you, Malcolm," he nodded. Diggle took a step forward and shook his hand and saw Laurel's faint smile.

"Ra's is going to deploy the virus soon," he said. "I'll go help my dad to secure the city," Laurel said leaving. "Ray and I are tracking the vials and finding a cure just in case..." Felicity trailed off, she and Ray typing quickly on the keyboard. "Tell is when you find them," Oliver said.

"Found one!" Ray exclaimed, "City square." "Why there?" Oliver asked curiously. "Because it's crowded, somewhere it can spread easily," Diggle figured. Oliver, Diggle, and Thea all left the office and went to the destination that was given. They ended up splitting up when Felicity found the last two.


"Tick tock, tick tock," Lydia repeated. The filling of death filled her chamber and she took a deep breath. She heard a few footsteps and was slightly confused that someone was still there.

Everything set in when the person stepped in her chamber and she knew who it was. "Kitsune," she whispered and Tatsu hovered over her. "What kind of kitsune are you?" She asked. "Wind."

Lydia licked her dry lips and she stared blankly at her. "What kind of banshee are you?" She asked and Lydia frowned. "I don't know," she whispered. "Are you the banshee that saves people or kills them?" Lydia's eyes wandered to the light and she felt a tear run down the side of her face. "Both."

Tatsu pursed her lips and walked away, leaving Lydia back in her catatonic state.


Oliver had taken down the virus carrier and Laurel said that Lance spotted Ra's on the Star City dam.

"Ra's Al Ghul!" He shouted, pointing an arrow. "I thought you wanted this," Ra's said, pulling out his sword, "but I guess you want to die again."

Ra's twirled the sword in his hand and stuck Oliver's bow onto the ground. He pulled out his sword and held it in front of him, going towards Ra's again. There was quick lunging and shuffling between the two as their swords clashed, but neither of them was going down.

"Oliver, Lance is going to shoot at both of you," Felicity said through a comm as Ra's punched him in the jaw. Oliver stumbled back and fell on his knees, glancing at the water below him.

"This will be quite sad Ibn," Ra's said which made Oliver angry. He kicked him off his feet and used Lydia's chi blocking techniques and punctured him in the back. Ra's fell limp on his knees and looked up at him as if he'd accomplished something.

Oliver leaned forward and stared into his eyes, "Forgive and have mercy upon him, excuse him and pardon him, make honorable his reception, protect him from the punishment of the grave, and the torment of fire." Ra's began to chuckle slowly before saying, "You've done well Al Sah-him." "My name is Oliver Queen!" He shouted, driving the sword through his chest.

The moment he pulled out the sword, Ra's' body feel on the ground. Oliver lifted his head and looked up at the night sky with a sigh before realizing the mistake he had just done. He looked down at Ra's body with a terrified expression and then he heard the massive wail of a banshee rumble under his feet and go for miles on end.

At that same time, he heard bullets fire and pierce his back. Oliver stumbled back and his leg bent over the ledge and he went falling down the dam. The mist spread against his face, "It's time," he whispered, closing his eyes.

Oliver reopened his eyes when he didn't drown in the water and his feet were on the ground. "Felicity?" He asked confusedly. "It's me!" She exclaimed, looking down at Ray's suit.


The two made it back to the office where everyone was waiting for him. "You did it," Diggle shook his hand. "Without the League's armor, you would've been dead," Nyssa told him. "But you guys did most of it," he nodded, looking down.

"Ollie, what's wrong?" Thea asked, pulling onto his arm. "You guy's didn't feel that earlier?" He asked. "That earthquake?" Felicity asked, "it was pretty big." "It's wasn't an earthquake," he told them. "What was it then?" Ray asked, checking the computer for the magnitude.

Oliver began to sniffle. A disgusting but familiar scent filled the room and he gagged. The piping in the ceiling for the sprinklers began to creak and everyone looked up. "What the-" Felicity was cut off when the sprinklers burst open and the heavy mist pressured onto their heads.

"Move!" Oliver shouted, pushing his sister and Laurel to the corner where the extinguisher wasn't spraying. The loud sirens of the fire alarm blared.

When the spraying stopped and Ray turned off the alarm, everyone looked at each other confusedly. The thick scent of burning flesh came near and everyone looked at the door.

"Parrish?" Oliver asked. He saw his eyes glow its fiery orange and he barred his teeth with small grunts. "Where is the Banshee?"

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