Part 4

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Italics- Lydia's voices


Oliver, Roy, Diggle, and Lydia all got out of the car in the humid weather of Corto Maltese, in front of a hotel.

"Sticky," Lydia muttered, touching her arms. Oliver had let her tag along since she was useful in finding Thea and Laurel and Felicity were too busy. But the main reason was to be around her.

The four had entered the suite they bought and set down their bags on the couch. "Do you know where Thea lives?" He questioned Lydia. "Come on," she sighed. He eyed Diggle and Roy to stay put, but they were just smiling at him as he followed Lydia out of the room.

Oliver watched Lydia stare out the window in the taxi, quietly observing the city. She tucked the strand of hair that was falling out of her braided crown and he smiled to himself.

"The city's beautiful, isn't it?" He asked, breaking the silence. She turned her head and looked at him, "It's too hot." He noticed that she was wearing jeans and a thin-strapped top, but was still complaining about the weather.

"We're here," Lydia told the driver and he pulled into a driveway, leading into a large house. "Thank you," she said, handing the driver money before getting out.

He followed the short, strawberry blonde up the front steps and knocked on the door. "Thea!" Oliver called out. There was no response but Lydia reached for the handle. "You don't break into people's houses," he stopped her hand. "You do," she told him, rolling her eyes, "Fine. We'll check the fast-food restaurant she works at."

The two went to the outside portion of the restaurant and sat at a table. "Hi, I'm looking for Mia?" Lydia asked one of the servers and he nodded, going back inside. "Mia?" Oliver asked her. "New name, new life," she explained. "Why did she tell you everything?" He asked. "Ask her."

Oliver got up when he saw his younger sister walk outside and approach their table. "It's good to see you Speedy," he greeted, hugging her. "Hi Ollie," she mumbled into his shoulder. "Sit, sit."

"Hi Lydia," Thea greeted sitting down, "He made you spill?" "Yup. Love the hair," she complimented and Thea smiled. "I'm sorry for lying about where I was," Thea apologized. "It's okay, I understand why you left," he said softly, "But why didn't you tell me you were leaving at all?" "I don't like being the girl whose parents died. I wanted to start fresh," she explained, "And Lydia was there for me."

Oliver glanced at Lydia who had leaned back, looking at her dark green nails and was in her own world.

"I miss mom," Thea confessed, bringing back his attention. "Me too," he agreed, "But I would like for you to come back with me." She paused and looked off into the distance before grabbing his hands, "Ollie I love you, but I'm not coming back."

"Okay," he whispered, getting up. "It was good to see you," he hugged her. Lydia finally snapped out of her daze and stood up. "Bye Thea," she smiled, watching her go back inside.

"I got a text from John that he's going with the ARGUS guy, Shaw, for the undercover deal," he told her, "I have to go."

Oliver was hiding behind a few crates, watching Diggle and Shaw get out a Jeep in front of the warehouse they were supposed to meet the dealers.

He knew something was wrong when Shaw had body-slammed Diggle unconscious. Oliver tried to shoot an arrow but ducked when Shaw was firing bullets at him.

Oliver waited for the shooting to stop to take down Shaw, but it was too late when he was already driving off. He ran up to Diggle who was groaning in pain and he helped him up. "The deal has been compromised," Diggle said firmly, "and it's happening tomorrow."

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