Part 27

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Italics- Lydia's voices


Oliver didn't sleep. All he thought about was Lydia who was right below him, hardly alive.

He pulled himself up and changed into his regular League clothes and slipped his wedding ring onto his finger. As he opened the door, Sarab was about to knock and there was silence between the two as they walked down the hallway to the center of the sanctuary.

"Ibn," Ra's greeted with slight excitement in his voice. Oliver bowed his head and glanced at Nyssa who was glaring at him. "Tonight, Star City will perish and the past of Oliver Queen will be gone," Ra's said and Oliver's eyes went big. "I thought it was tomorrow night?" He asked. "Change of plans."


"Who called the meeting?" Laurel asked, entering Ray's office. "We don't know," Diggle shrugged. Laurel leaned on the table when she looked up to hear heels clacking and knew it was Felicity.

"There's no point being here if there's nothing to do," she sighed, standing beside Ray. "Yes there is," someone spoke and Laurel glared at the guest who came in. "Malcolm Merlyn," she pursed her lips. "Where's my daughter?" He asked. "She went to visit Roy," Felicity's voice faulted and he sighed.

"Why are you here?" Laurel asked. "Because Oliver isn't really part of the League," he explained. "Yes he is," Diggle told him, "He kidnapped my wife. My wife! And now he's married to Nyssa!" "He didn't know it would get this far be we are working to dismantle the League from the inside," he said. "Who's we?" Laurel asked, frowning. "Oliver entrusted me to help you guys. Now there's something Ra's has in set for this city."

Malcolm pulled a hard drive from his pocket and handed it to Ray to plug it in. He typed a few things and the video pulled up. The team surrounded the screen to watching the video of a burning city and people dying. The clip was shaky but the terror in citizens' voices were real.

"Where is this?" Laurel gulped, looking at Malcolm. "5 years ago, Hong Kong." "And how do we know this isn't fake?" Felicity asked. "Why would I lie about this? The Alpha-Omega Virus is real," his nose twitched. "It's real," someone spoke and Malcolm quieted.

"Who are you?" She asked, crossing her arms. Malcolm bowed his head and moved to the back as she walked forward. "Tatsu Yamashiro, Wind Kitsune," she introduced and everyone grew more confused. "You're Akio's mom," Diggle spoke up, "Oliver told me about you." "The Omega Virus killed my son and thousands of other people. When we visited Oliver the other night, we were informed that the virus would be deployed tomorrow night. The date has changed. It is happening tonight."

"If Lydia was here, she would confirm everything," Felicity commented. "As a Messenger of Death, it's is true. The virus is a bringer of death," Tatsu said.


Laurel, Tatsu, Felicity, Diggle, and Malcolm all hid behind a few mounds of dirt, looking over Nanda Parbat. "All we need to do is get Felicity near the jet," Diggle ordered. "Not if there are assassins we need to get through," Malcolm said, getting up and shooting an arrow.

The five of them stood up and followed him into the battle against the League. Laurel used her Canary Cry and  the assassins were thrown back, landing on top of each other. Bullets were firing from Diggle's guns and arrows were flying from Malcolm. Swords were clashing against Tatsu's katana and Laurel could feel wind brewing. It swirled around Tatsu as she shouted, "Watashi watashi wa shi no shishadesu!"

Near Laurel, Malcolm had a handful of assassins attacking him. She used her bat and wacked them unconscious until he was able to take down the rest. "Thank you," he nodded and she pursed her lips.

An arrow released and everyone turned to see it hit Felicity's table. "Are you kidding me?!" She shouted. When she turned over to see the archer, they had taken off their mask. "Maseo!" Tatsu shouted and they began to fight.

"Did you get it?" Laurel asked as she and Malcolm rushed over. "No," Felicity said firmly, throwing the tablet, "But I always bring back up." She looked up and they followed her gaze to see a blue and red suit. "Ray?" Laurel asked and Felicity nodded. He flew after the jet and rammed right through it, creating holes and it went down.

Ray came to the ground and Laurel watched as Tatsu drove her sword through Sarab. She cradled him in pain and began to hum a small song. The six regrouped in the sand to see Ra's, Oliver, Nyssa and other assassins waiting for them.

"Do you really think you've accomplished something?" Ra's asked, pulling his arms behind his back. "We just took down your jet!" Ray exclaimed. "A decoy." Ra's waved his finger and the assassins behind them, shot arrows and they grew unconscious.


Laurel's eyes flickered open to a dimmed chamber. She looked around to see everyone was barely waking up but saw that Malcolm wasn't there.

"Are you guys okay?" Diggle asked, pulling Felicity up. "We're missing someone," Ra's said, seeing that they took his suit and they rest of their weapons. "Malcolm," Laurel told him, "and he's probably gonna try and save himself."

There was a thud at the door and the gate opened. An assassin pushed Malcolm in and he fell on the ground before the gate closed again. "They don't give up," Ra's told Oliver, glancing at the team. There was a blank look on Ra's' face as he glared at each of them before turning around and leaving. "Wait!" Diggle shouted and Oliver followed Ra's out.


Lydia's short breaths were the only thing keeping her busy. She could feel the team's presence in the sanctuary but she couldn't do anything about it. There was this one particular feeling from the team. The same wind crippled up her neck and she exhaled.


The same kitsune had been signaling her way before she was in that state. But now that her mind was open to all the voices, everything was clear.

The door to her chamber slid open and she heard the familiar footsteps enter. Through the bright light hovering over her, she could see Ra's and Oliver.

"Stop," she let out and the two looked at her. "Al Shum, it's already in motion," Ra's told her. "Why would you bring a kitsune here?" She asked. Lydia's eyes trailed off to the corner and she slightly remembered what happened to Kira in Eichen House.

"What will happen?" Oliver asked curiously. "Massive winds..." she trailed off, "I think a-a tornado."


Laurel was starting to lose air as her sweat ran down the side of her face. She glanced at Malcolm who was sitting there undisturbed and the rest of the team quietly panicking.

From the barred windows, a strong breeze of wind came in, flowing towards Tatsu and it swarmed around her. "Everyone move away," Malcolm warned and they slid to one side of the chamber. Tatsu took a deep breath and exhaled a large breeze.

The wind grew stronger as it created a shape around her. "I need to get out," she whispered, exhaling again. The door to the chamber opened and a vile shattered on the ground.

"That's the virus," Tatsu told them. The air of the virus spread quickly as it mixed with the wind and they inhaled it. "Testing the weapon and killing kitsune," Laurel heard Ra's say before they left them there.

"We're all going to die," Felicity said bluntly as her head laid on a pillar. Laurel felt lightheaded and her body hit the floor. Her eyes slowly blinked as she couldn't keep them open. She heard Tatsu's last exhale before the wind stopped and her eyes shut.

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