Part 21

227 11 1

Italics- Lydia's voices


"Count down from ten for me," the voice said and Lydia opened her eyes. She exhaled with a dry gulp as her eyes wandered the room. She saw Ra's Al Ghul sitting in a chair beside her and her eyes rolled to the light above her.

"10... 9... 8... 7... 6..." she slowly said, feeling the cold sweat run down her forehead. "5... 4.... 3.... 2..." Before she could reach one, she felt a syringe inject into her neck and she winced.


"Mayor Castle has been reported dead and Dr. Ray Palmer and others have been critically injured from an attack," the news reported said. "Everything is falling apart," Felicity exclaimed, stomping into the hideout. "How's Ray?" he asked concernedly. "Dying."

"Good morning everyone," Lance began and Felicity turned up the volume. Oliver glanced at Diggle who came in and stood next to him as they listened. "Since the mayor is dead and as the police captain, I will be enforcing the Anti- Vigilante Task Force. Any vigilante that has been spotted, will be ordered to shoot on sight."

"I can't believe he put that down," Laurel said angrily, walking in with Roy and Thea behind her. "What are guys going to do?" Thea asked worriedly. "Felicity, go help Ray," he instructed. "Laurel, try to reason with Lance, and I need to get in touch with Nyssa."

The team dispersed into their orders, leaving Diggle and Oliver by themselves. "This is all Ra's," he sighed. "He wants me to take his spot even after I declined." "Don't let him get to you. He might use the city as a way to tear you apart but always see the other choice," Diggle told him.

"Oliver Queen," the British voice spoke and Oliver turned. "Nyssa, I need your help." "Hmm," she hummed, narrowing her eyes, "No." "Please," he begged. "I will not go against my father's wishes," she told him. "What would Sara do?" He asked and her eyes glistened with water. "I can set a meeting. Look out for the purple smoke." She glared at him and Diggle before pivoting and leaving.


"What do you want from me?" Lydia asked softly, tilting her head towards Ra's. "You need to pay off your bounty," he began. "and your powers are just the right thing." "How?" she asked, feeling the numbing serum kick in. "I  want you to check every step I make in my plans," he explained.

Lydia's eyes slowly wandered from his head to the light bulb, hovering over her. "You could have used the energy of the telluric currents as a strength but I used them as your weakness," he told her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Just like Eichen," she mumbled.

"What do you want to know?" she asked curiously. "Mmm," he leaned in closely, "Your conscious is still in control, you will be able to lie to me." Lydia let out a breath as she listened to the silence around her. "I will get everything ready," Ra's said, getting up. She heard the door open and close with a faint click.


The Arrow, Arsenal, and Black Canary entered the yellow dimmed abandoned warehouse. The bowls of fire led them to the center where Sarab and the rest of the League were waiting for them.

Oliver and Roy drew their arrows as Laurel pulled out her bat, watching the assassins hold their swords. Sarab is the first one to release an arrow and they charge towards each other.

Swords clashed against bows as the Canary Cry echoed throughout the building. Oliver shot arrows at assassins and punched one in the face. Roy dropped his bow and pulled out the batons and using them as another weapon. The new skills Laurel learned were brought into action as she put down the assassins around her.

A slow, menacing clap began and the League retreated to their side of the building as the team regrouped. "Mr. Queen," Ra's spoke, stepping forward and pulling his hands behind his back. "I've rejected the offer, leave me and my city alone," he told him. There was a small chuckle they Ra's let out. "You can either become Ra's or rot in a jail cell."

Oliver's head lifted when he heard police sirens wail. The League set off smoke bombs, disappearing and the three vigilantes began to run. Gunshots were being fired from behind them as the three made it to the roof.

Jumping from building to building, a helicopter was tracking them. From the streets, police cars were near them. When the rows of buildings came to a stop, Oliver looked back at the policemen who were behind and then at Roy and Laurel. The three jumped off the ledge and he and Roy shot zip line arrows, catching Laurel, and went down.

The moment they reached the ground, the flashing red and blue lights, turned the corner and they began to run. Roy decided to draw their attention and split from Oliver and Laurel.

The two made it to the end of an alleyway and saw a black van pull up. "Get in!" Diggle shouted, and they did, making it back to the hideout.

"I didn't know they were that serious," Oliver let out, "it was easier in the beginning." "Ray's fine," Felicity said entering. "That's good," he nodded. "I tried to talk to my dad but he doesn't care about my opinions," Laurel sighed.

"I finally got away," Roy said, setting down his bow, "I had to give all of them flesh wounds." "Guys," Felicity called out and everyone surrounded her. "An anonymous tip recently provided me with the information that..." Lance trailed off on the news, "that Oliver Queen is the Arrow."

Felicity quickly clicked off the news and looked at him warily. "This was definitely Ra's, he wants everyone to turn on me," he exhaled. "I'm public enemy number one, I need to run." Oliver took his coat and headed upstairs to his sister.

"Ollie?" Thea's voice cracked as she turned off the tv. "They froze all of our assets, so you can't go anywhere." "Hey, it's going to be okay," he kissed her forehead, "I'll see you soon." He turned around and began to walk out of the club when he picked up his phone. "Hey Lydia, I don't know where you're at, but please just call me back," he said.

The moment he went through the doors, police cars surrounded the Verdant and they had guns pointed at him. "Put your hands up Queen!" Lance shouted. Oliver did so, but the way he did it, he was giving up. Lance began to read him his Miranda Rights as he cuffed his wrists.


Lydia blinked slowly at the yellow light hanging over her when the door to the chamber opened. She heard a metal crack and she tilted her head to the noise. She made a faint wheeze when she saw the plate with surgical utensils.

"Are you ready?" Ra's asked and her head boggled to the right. He began to move her wet hair to the side and faced the light to her head. "Seems like you've already done this procedure," he commented. "My hair never grew back."

She felt his cold finger rub the bald spot and then clean it with a disinfectant. The whirring of the drill brought back memories she was trying to forget as it punctured into her head. Her eyes shut tightly and she softly licked her dry lips as the world went silent.

"What do you hear Banshee?" Ra's asked. Lydia's eyes opened and she stared at him blankly, "Everything."

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