South Westward

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Akira frowned as she gazed at the sea of refugees. 5 years ago, that was her and Eren. She could still feel the push of the needy crowd surrounding her. She could feel their desperate sobs building up in their chests. She could feel endless pushing and the absolute numbness.


Akira's panicky eyes shifted through the crowd. It felt like she had only turned her back for a second, but that was all it took to get separated. "Eren!" She tried to turn around, to push back through the crowd, but it was no use.

Despite never having seen the ocean, one thing became very clear to Akira. The crowd was like the sea, vast and endless. It threatened to crash her into the rocky shore.


After a second, she heard a response and her overwhelming panic gave way to relief. She fought her way to him and wrapped him into her tight embrace. "Don't you ever scare me like that again, okay?"


A hand on her shoulder jolted Akira out of her thoughts. She turned slightly to be met by Levi's calculating yet warm gaze. "You okay?"

She nodded slowly after a moment. "I'm fine. Thanks."Akira's voice was unusually small and scratchy, much to her own disappointment.

He raised an eyebrow before letting it go. She clearly wasn't fine, but it wasn't his place to push. "Go wait with the others. And go put on your cloak before you freeze to death."

Akira tossed him a soft smile that made his stomach flip. "Yes sir."

Levi scowled slightly as she walked away. Shit. Why her? She should be the last person I'm falling for. If she goes rouge, and I have to kill her...

Petra eyed the Captain as she walked over to him. "You really like her, don't you?"

Levi turned to her. His alarm must of shown, because Petra sighed. "It's fine, I won't tell anyone, but you should go talk to her. I don't think I've ever seen you as happy as you've been this past month."

Levi relaxed slightly. "I don't know what you're talking about."

She smiled wildly at him. "Of course you don't, silly." Her smile faltered slightly. "Just...don't let her get away."

For a second, Petra thought he was ignoring her statement. Then, slowly but surly, he nodded once.

Akira turned her head towards him as Hanji tried to interrogate the priest again. Her jaw dropped slightly as he stated the name of the person they needed to find. "Her? But she's so ... sweet, and you guys are so... not."

Eren swiftly turned around. "Come on, let's oof!"

Akira turned. "Sasha? You okay, you took quite the fall."

The brunette girl popped up and bowed, holding out a scroll as she stammered slight.

Hanji looked at the four newest additions to the survey corps. "So, who is this girl?"

Akira looked up from adjusting her straps. "She's about this tall, blonde, cute. Always hangs out with Ymir."

Levi and Hanji's eyes widened slightly. "Ymir?"

As the four soldiers finished applying their equipment, Hanji explained the plan. "Everyone understood?"

Everyone uniformly shouted "Yes."

Eren reacher got the door, but was stopped by Levi. "Calm down Eren. You all listen too." The Captain had everyone's attention now. "We're going our own ways now. The rest is up to you. Erwin may have thrown together your squad, but everything's counting on you. Got it Armin? Work with Hanji and combine your knowledge."

"Yes sir!"

Levi turned slightly to face the Asian teen. "Mikasa. I'm not sure why you're so attached to the Jaegers, but protect them at all costs."

Mikasa and Levi finally seemed that they had something they agreed on. "Yes sir."

Levi faces his last two comrades. "And lastly, Eren, Akira." They both straightened at their respective names. "Learn how to restrain yourselves. Don't loose yourselves to rage and keep sight of the goal. We can't afford another mistake."

"Yes sir!"

He grabbed the sleeve of the eldest Jaeger as she turned to leave. She turned, slightly confused by his action. "And Akira?"

"Yes sir?"

Levi opened his mouth to say something before deciding against it. "Be safe. I don't want them to tell me you've gone and hospitalized yourself again, alright?"

Akira flushed slightly and smiled. "I'll try, but I promise nothing."

Levi raised an eyebrow and she nodded. "I mean yes, of course sir."

Wipe them out~Levi x ocWhere stories live. Discover now