The aftermath of court

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Akira rubbed her wrist slightly where the hand cuffs had been for the past couple of days. She was sitting next to Eren on a blue couch while Hanji tended to his wounds.

"Man, talk about harsh. I bet it hurts."

"A little."

Akira resisted to roll her eyes at that. "If you think he looks bad now, you should have seen him after he fell off the roof after I told him not to go up there."

Eren glanced at Akira and scowled. "I thought we agreed not to talk about that anymore."

Akira ruffled his hair. "I never agreed to anything."

The door opened as the Commander walked in, and Akira straightened her posture. "Sorry about that, but it did get you placed in our custody. The pain was worth it. It let us pay our trump card when it would be most effective." The Commander vent down so he was level with Eren and Akira. "You two have my admiration." Both of their green eyes widened at that.

Akira was the first to accept his hand. "And you have mine, sir. It shall be an honor to work with you."

Eren followed soon after with a hand shake of his own as Levi plopped himself down next to Akira, one arm draped over the back of the couch.

"Tell me, Akira, Eren: do you resent me?" Mentally, Levi scolded himself. I shouldn't worry if my subordinate soldiers like me or not. I just need to get the job done.

Akira thought to herself for a moment before speaking. "No, you did what had to be done. You saved our lives, and for that I am grateful."

Levi nodded once as he registered her words in his mind. "Good then. If we're going to be working together, we'll need to be able to follow the same program."

The brunette scientist spoke up next. "Still, you didn't have to go so far, Levi. Look, you knocked his tooth out!"

Levi scrunched up his nose. "Don't touch that, it's disgusting."

Akira mentally made a note of Levi's disgust. She ruffles her brother's hair , much to his distaste. "He's a tough kid, he'll be fine. Honestly, I'm surprised the tooth stayed solid long enough for you to pick it up."

"Exactly! It's a precious sample of it's own."

Akira smiled softly. "You can keep it. Consider it a souvenir."

"Be glad that you two aren't being dissected by people like her." At Levi's statement, Akira tensed up and tightened her grip on Eren.

"Hey, don't compare me to them! I would never kill them. Can I see inside your mouth?"

Eren glanced at his sister who gave a silent nod of approval before opening his mouth.

The scientist gasped and Levi moved so he could see better. "The tooth...has already grown back."

Wipe them out~Levi x ocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora