Wipe them all out

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What happened next happened so fast. One moment the cadets were talking about stolen lunch meat, the next there was a flash of light then a big BAAMMM! They were thrown off the wall simply because of the sheer force.

Eren immediately jumped into action. "This is our chance! We've got to wipe him out!"

Akira let out a yell as she followed him. "Eren no!"

Eren ignored her. "You. It's been a while." By the time she reached the top, he was already jumping over the edge.

"This suicidal maniac. I swear to the gods, he's going to get himself killed." Then Akira jumped into action too. They split off, circling in opposite directions. Their blades shimmered in the light. The cannons were taking out and the gate was kicked in. He has intelligence . This was the only thought running through both of the Jaegers' minds.

As they continued their path, a wave of smoke hit them dead on and the Titan vanished without a trace. Could it be? Someone like us, outside the walls? Akira paled considerably just at the thought.

He was so big that he made Akira and Eren's titan forms look like ants. Deep down she knew that. If he wasn't intelligent, they wouldn't have missed.

She didn't get a chance to dwell on the thought. Orders were delivered telling them to move towards hq. How could she object? Desertion is rewarded by execution.

The orders placed the new found graduates by the wall. All of them knew the probability that they would perish.

Akira patiently waited for her brother's speech. Her right hand landed on his shoulder. "Eren's right. Like it or not , we are soldiers. We've trained non stop for two years strait to get here. Let's put it to work. And little bro? You've become quite a leader. I think Mom would be proud."

Eren nodded. "Thanks."

That was the last conversation they had before Mikasa and Akira were moved to the back. The back was mostly in charge of evacuation. Honestly, it made more sense to have the elites up front, facing the threat head on. But who was Akira to argue?

By the time the withdrawal signal was given, it was to late. Many were out of gas or nearly there. Not enough to make it back.

Akira easily made it back to the others. Her smile dropped instantly. "Where's Eren?" Connie glanced at the others.

"Maybe you should hear it from Armin. I'm sorry."

The black haired girl made her way to the petrified blonde. "Which one?" Her bottom lip started to tremble. "Which one."

"I-I..." The girl stood up. It didn't matter. She was going to kill them all. Wipe them out like he wanted.

She made her way to the nearest alley hidden from view. Akira raised her hand and did the one thing that terrified her just as much as loosing her brother. She bit her hand.

Wipe them out~Levi x ocWhere stories live. Discover now