Annie vs Akira

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Levi instinctively turned his head towards the animalistic roar that echoed throughout the walls. That wasn't the female titan and it wasn't Eren, so I think it's safe to say that it's Akira.

He smirked slightly to himself. Her skills were only second best to himself, and occasionally Mikasa if she decided to hold back.

Eren's sea green eyes were focused upwards towards the surface, towards his sister. "What's she doing?"

Armin's eyes widened. "She's drawing the fire. This way!"

And indeed, she was. She brought her leg up to block Annie's kick. Akira may be pissed, but that didn't change the fact that she was smart. She was purportedly retreating to try to get Annie away from the people, and just to make it realistic, she was adding in several hits of her own.

Come on, come on, just a little bit! The sounds of cannons left an unbearable ringing in her ears as the Scouts tried to contain Annie.

Akira pulled to a stop but stayed in position. As Annie started to kick, Akira knelt down, trying to hold her still. One hand was stationed on each leg. Akira could feel her Titan body shaking as she attempted to keep the struggling Titan shifter still. Leaning down close, she let out an earth shaking roar.

The blonde panicked and head butted Akira, sending her sprawling back. The eldest Jaeger lunged forwards, missing Annie's ankles by mere inches. Scrambling to her feet, she took off.

The traitor's heading for level ground. Less casualties. Good. Akira let out a grunt as she took a sharp turn, nearly running into a building.

They both pulled to a stop in a courtyard. This was the throw down everyone in the 104th squadron had been waiting for since they joined the cadets and Akira was determined to win.

It was relatively silent for a moment before Akira swooped in, throwing the first punch. Annie blocked it with her armor before returning the blow and following up with a kick.

The other titan shifter caught Annie' leg. Twisting her body, Akira flipped the blonde over her shoulder. Snarling, the Jaeger climbed on top of her and threw punch after punch at the blonde, who was using her forearms to protect her face.

Annie's arms were broken beyond compare and yet Akira kept going. You lied to me. You endangered my brother. You killed my squad and countless others!

Desperate didn't even begin to describe what Annie was feeling. She had failed her mission and if Akira kept going, she would be beaten to death. She waited and bid her time before moving her arms out of the way and lunging forwards, sinking her teeth into Akira's collarbone.

Erwin and Levi could see the battle now. Both seemed to hold their breath as Akira was kicked and stomped on. Levi's breath hitched as he watched the fight. Slowly, the eldest Jaeger stopped moving and Annie turned around. Come on Akira, get up! Where's that stupid bratty brother of hers when she needs it?

As if she was answering his thoughts, Akira got up, but something had definitely changed. Her muscly form looked like a burning wood carving. Her skin was soot black. Fiery hot streaks encased her body and her eyes were glowing pure snow white .

All control she had established over her titan form had evaporated. Her previous moves had been precise. They had been pre-calculated. Now she was just latching out against the blonde Titan shifter.

In large, animalistic bounds, Akira lunged for Annie. The Jaeger tackled her, and, for the first time in the fight, majorly destroyed part of the city. The bridge had been completely demolished and they had mowed down a market.

Annie let out pained shriek like yells as the out of control Titan shifter grabbed hold of her face. A screen of smoke now shielded the two.

Annie finally managed to strike back, both in a metaphorical and quite literally sense. The blonde turned and kicked Akira in the stomach, sending her flying into a building.

Stumbling, Annie made a run for it and attempted to climb the wall. Akira was on her heels in seconds. Leaping upwards, the out of control Titan shifter clung to Annie's body and bit down on the blonde's leg.

Annie let out a yell and sent a swift kick to Akira's face, causing her to drop. Akira's green eyes shifted to Mikasa, who swiftly joined the fight.

It was over...Akira knew that. But her Titan form was to enraged. It wanted vengeance for what Annie had done and it wasn't going to stop till its thirst for blood was quenched.

It wasn't until she was staring down at the tear streaked face of the blonde that she faltered, but at that point, it was to late for both of them.

Letting out a surprised roar, Akira tried to retreat as the blue white glow started to encase the Titan corpse and wrap its way around her own limbs.

She heard him before she saw him. Akira's wide, panicked eyes softened before closing. It'll be okay...

Wipe them out~Levi x ocजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें