The court room

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Akira glances at the wall in the same bord expression, her fist propping her face up. How long have Eren and I been in these cells? It couldn't have been more than several days, but that certainly feels like years when you have nothing to do.

Akira sat up. No matter. That ends today, even if only briefly. Yes, today's the day humanity decides what to with us.

The door opened and Akira moved forwards until the chains tugged her back. She heard Eren gasp as the person grabbed the bars and a voice speak up. "So you're Eren, eh? You ok? How are things? And this is your infamous sister Akira, right? I'm sorry you too had to wait so long, but now you finally have a chance to get out?"

Finally the person moved so Akira could see her. The person in question was no doubt Hanji . She had heard loads about them. "Infamous huh? We're fine. I'm presuming you're Hanji. Is there anything we need to know before we enter the court room?"

"Oh, you're as quick on your feet as they say you are! Good, good." Akira only nodded in response. If they hadn't been in a dark lite dungeon, the blush on her face would have been easily spotted.

"That's Mike Zacharies, also a squad leader." Eren tossed Akira a 'help me' glance as the squad leader sniffed him. She ignored him. "Yeah he has a habit of sniffing people he meets for the first time." Akira almost rolled her eyes. Anyone could have told you that. "And then sneering. I don't think he means anything by it, though. Ah, shoot! Sorry, I talk to much, we're already here. It's better if we don't explain."

"Hey , wait!" Eren called as Akira and him were both grabbed by soldiers.

"We'll be fine Eren. Just remember what I told you. Don't speak out of turn, don't raise your voice, and don't loose your temper." Akira's voice was soft and soothing.

Both Jaegers were forced to kneel and were chained to the ground. Akira was still wearing her poker face, but she was panicking just as much as Eren. Akira paled as she saw who would be the judge. No, not him. Anyone but him.

"You are Akira and Eren Jaeger. Is that correct?"

"Yes sir." Akira's voice seemed to echo through the gigantic room.

"You are soldiers sworn to protect the public. Is that correct?"

"Yes sir," the two Jaegers chimed.

"These are exceptional circumstances. This hearing will be a military tribunal where ordinary laws do not apply. I have been given the authority to make all judgments. This examination will determine whether you live or die. Any objections?"

The two on trial glance at each other. "No sir."

"You catch on quickly. That will be helpful. Let me get right to the point. It was impossible to conceal your existences, after all. Unless we officially announce your existence one way or the other, a threat other than titans might develop. I will decide which regiment's custody time place you in. The military police or the scouting regiment. Now, let me hear the proposal of the military police."

"Yes sir." Akira shifted slightly to face them. "I, Nile Dawk, Commander of the Military Police, offer the following proposal. We believe that, after a through examination of the Jaeger's bodies,  they should be disposed of immediately." Akira glanced slightly at Eren before redirecting her attention. "It's true that their titan ability helped thwart this last incursion." At this comment, Akira seemed to bristle slightly, but she held her tongue. Helped thwart? I killed nearly two hundred titans. Helped thwart , you did not.

"However, their existence is now stirring up rebellious ideas as well. As such, after they've provided us with as much information as possible, they will be made fallen warriors of humanity." Akira couldn't help but flashback momentarily to the night they first transformed. If it was even possible, her booming adrenaline spiked more.

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