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POV Soph:

After Avery gave Leah's first skate lesson, we went for a walk in the woods together.  We will leave this place tomorrow morning, and although Ava had already given me the keys to the house, I did not want to leave. At the end of the walk we went to the benches by the river and talked about all sorts of things. We stayed there for a long time absorbed in the view. I already knew so much about her. I knew that she was smart, attentive, caring, hardworking, kind and most of all that she had the biggest heart. We went to have dinner because we hadn't eaten almost nothing all day and then went to bed.In the morning we woke up and packed the few things we had taken with us.  I don't know why, but Avery seemed happy that we were leaving, even though she wanted to stay another day so much.  Apparently she was up to something again.

- Thanks for bringing us here, Ava- Evelyn said- I'm a little disappointed we can't stay a little longer, but I'll hope to come here again with you someday.

- There is nothing to thank me for. I wanted to share this place with you. I want you to know that each of you can come here whenever you want, you just have to tell me.

I nodded absently as Avery and Leah packed things in the trunk. Avery and Lea have been pretty close lately and i don't mind that, I'm glad Avery likes the people we hang out with.We got in the car and left, almost all the way there was complete silence in the car as if something had happened, but Leah started talking about how happy she was to be able to skate.

- You know what, Avery is a really good teacher.If it weren't her, I probably would never have learned.

- Oh come on. It was not that hard. You learn fast and that's very good for you.

- I have a suggestion for all of you.  After we get home, let's get some rest and go somewhere in the evening.

- Where do you want to go again? - Ava asked.

- I don't know, Ava. We were in the woods for three days and now I want to go to a place where there are other people besides us.

- Let's go on a restaurant- Evelyn said.

- Okay, we will go home now and after two hours we will meet in our place- Ava said. We were at home and as usual I was looking for something to wear. I don't know how I don't always know what to wear, it's not like I don't have clothes, I even have too much. While I was looking for something to wear, Avery came into the room, she was ready and waiting for me. Suddenly I felt her behind me, too close.  I didn't turn around, I kept looking for clothes. I felt her lips on my shoulder. I was completely enchanted by her every touch, she turned me around and now we were face to face. I swear to God every time I look her in the eyes I feel like I'm melting. I felt her fingers on my wrist. She pulled me even closer and smiled as her hand wrapped around my waist, she stopped for a moment , looked at my lips, and kissed me. I don't know how long this lasted, before retreating, she bit my lower lip, causing a faint moan to come out of my throat.

- Can you hurry up- she said. I didn't say anything, I was absorbed in the moment and I was still trying to take a breath. She released me and pulled away from me- I'm waiting for you in the living room- she said and faded to there.I closed the door room and leaned against the wall for a moment. She knew very well how she makes me feel.Anyway. I got dressed and went to the living room. She looked at me as if she had never seen me dressed like that.

- You look amazing- she said coming to me. Oh come on, not again Avery- You are one of a kind- she hugged me and i returned the hug. I pulled away and she put a soft kiss on my lips then we exited from the house and headed to the restaurant.

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