Special Chapter: Facts About Wonderstruck

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Hello readers! I did a double update so if you're confused as to why you're in a special chapter already, check out the chapter before this for the epilogue!

Here are a few fun facts about Wonderstruck that I thought you might want to know.

1. This story was supposed to be a chapter on my TayNew one shots (go check it out!) but I feel like the plot has a great potential to be a full novel story. Instead of TayNew, I picked OffGun to be the main leads and boy was I so satisfied with my decision.

2. As you all know, Wonderstruck's theme song is Taylor Swift's Enchanted but the idea actually came from King of My Heart by the same artist.

3. Originally, it would be Gun who'll play as the prince and Off would be a student or somewhere within that line. However, I think I wanna spice things up and thought of reversing the role (because Off is giving us that Alpha vibe) and make Gun an actor!

4. Gun's suit during Prince Off's birthday ball is the same suit he is wearing on the cover of the story.

5. I was actually planning to make Lee as the second lead, like he was secretly in love with Gun or something.

6. Nai is played by Pak Sakunsong, Gun's co-lead in his movie called Love Love You.

7. Mook, Gun's manager, wasn't named after Off's ex-girlfriend. I honestly just liked the name and when my friends and I were talking about Off, it was then I realized that I named her after Off's ex haha an honest mistake!

8. Mook was named after Tay Tawan's sister in real life but just with a different spelling. Originally, I was planning that Tay and Gun's manager would be siblings and it would be a surprise to our main leads.

9. Chapter 30 should have been the last chapter. I didn't plan on letting them meet again. But I like happy endings!

10. I'm a big swiftie so you'll find random Taylor Swift references in the story.

As I end this fanfiction, I would like to thank the readers who supported me and patiently waited for my updates. As of today, Wonderstruck is already almost 18k reads. You guys are the main reason why I keep on writing. Thank you to everyone who joined me in my roller coaster ride, to everyone who accepted the bad boy Prince Off and the famous Gun Atthaphan. Reading your comments completes my day! I hope that you will support my future stories. I love you 💕 See you in my next OffGun fanfiction!

BL Twitter: @raicarmstopeni

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