Chapter 8

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Off glared at the man who refused to go with him for his next photo shoot. He was persuading Tay with different things, including unlimited access to royal cards for casinos and bars, but Tay would still shake his head and turn him down.

"Don't be ridiculous, Tay," Off said. "You're my manager, remember? You need to be everywhere I go."

"Jesus Christ, Off, you're 26 years old!" Tay snorted. "You can go to America alone!"

"I would if this wasn't some show business shit," Off said. "But it is, and I need you to be there because you're my manager."

"No, you don't," Tay said. "You need me because you need to make sure you don't do anything stupid, right?"

Off raised his eyebrows. "Don't be silly."

"I saw the way you look at him, Off," Tay commented. "We've been friends since we were in diapers. I can recognize your stupid lovesick face."

"Tay," Off breathed. "If you don't wanna go, fine. But don't make up stories."

"Sure," Tay said. "Continue being blind. I mean, at least I could see the way you look at him. And, well, I could see the way he looks at you too."

Tay's comment made Off wonder. Sure, he had been flirting with Gun, but it was because of what happened between the two of them four years ago. No, they didn't have sex. He may be a prick at times, but he knows when to draw the line. Gun was cute, but he was drunk that night, and Off knows better than to take advantage of a drunk person even if he remembered Gun batting his eyes at him that night.

He was also comfortable around Gun. He was easy to talk to, and even if he was sometimes awkward around Off, he finds his clumsiness adorable. He could see another side of Gun that his fans could never see- a side that he thought is the real Gun, not the superstar that everybody knew him as and that thought was weird since aside from their little encounter four years ago, they weren't exactly friends and never met each other again. Off saw him rise to fame but they never interacted, not until Gun claimed they were friends on national TV.

But he also knew that after what happened in America, after Gun smiled at him, after their brief but memorable conversation outside that antique coffee shop, he knew he saw him as more than just someone he shared a bed with years ago.

I may or may not have a crush on him, he silently admitted.

"Tay, please," He pleaded once more, ignoring what he had said a while ago. "Just this once. After this photo shoot, you're good to go. You won't be my manager anymore. I promise."

"Off, what part of 'no' can you not understand?" Tay pretended to be annoyed, but Off knew Tay had patience as long as a giraffe's neck.

"Tay, please-"


Both Tay and Off snapped their heads at the newcomer. Tay immediately shuffled, bowing to the king while Off pulled at his clothes and looked uncomfortably at his dad.


"King Ryan."

Tay and Off greeted the king simultaneously.

The King only smiled and said, "Tawan, please. You don't need to kneel. You are no stranger to me."

Tay looked up and smiled shyly. "Of course, your highness."

King Ryan clicked his tongue. "How many times do I have to tell you, son? Call me Uncle."

"Okay," Tay sounded awkward. "Uncle."

King Ryan smiled warmly at him and then gazed around Off's room. The king seemed pleased, and Off silently thanked their house maids for cleaning his room every now and then.

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