Chapter 13

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I grabbed my clothes and went to a shower myself. When I was done I was debating on which hairstyle I should do. Based on my outfit, I decided to curl it. I went to my room and got the curling iron. I made big loose curls which was hard since my hair is naturally pin straight. It took me a total of 30 minutes. By time that was done April was also doing her hair and since her hair was pin straight also all she did is put it in a ponytail.

"You already?" April

"Yup." May

"Alright let's go wake the boys." April


When we were done we went to the boys doors and knocked then cracked the door and turned the light on.

"Time to get up. Don't have us dump water on you five,cause we will." April

After that we went downstairs and sat on the couch.

"Oh I can help you with the Jason situation now."

May looked hesitant. Then she started playing with a strand of her hair.

"Are you alright? Do you not want me to help you?"

"Its not that. Its just something else. Can I ask you something?"


She scooted closer to me.

"If something happened to you that never happened before and you got ordered to do things I guess you can say, and your not the type to listen and you have people that can help but you don't tell them cause your scared of the outcome. What would you do?" May

"Um, I would listen to the orders."

"What if the orders are really crazy?" May

"No matter how crazy the order, I would listen cause I wouldn't want the people who can help to get hurt cause of me. Why is this happening to you?" April


She started looking around.

I held her hand to get her attention. "Is it?"

"Uh,no. Its not. I was reading a book and that scenario was in it so I asked for your perspective." May

She then smiled. It looked weak like she was hiding something. I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back.

"Its alright. We're gonna be okay. Zach's not gonna win." April

"I'm feeling something I haven't felt since when I was 12." May

I looked at her and she started tearing up.

"What's that?"

"Helpless." May

"Your not talking about what I think your talking about. Are you?"

"Our parents death." May

"Um I'm gonna go get a napkin to clean my tears and the mascara."


If only she knew why I asked that. I would of told her but when she told me her answer I started thinking. What if she got hurt cause I told her? What if the BG got hurt cause I told them, that's highly impossible but there's a first time for everything right? If that could happen, I don't want to risk it. I WONT tell nobody, but if he thinks that I'm just gonna listen without a fight and be his little ragdoll he's so so SO wrong.

I took some Bounty napkins and looked in the reflection of the microwave as a substitute mirror. I wiped it away and took the mascara from my pocket that I always keep there along with ChapStick and lipgloss. When I applied it I walked back to the couch and sat next to Apr.

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