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Looking around the place in thought, the blonde pursed her lips as her eyes trailed all over the flowers surrounding the place. All different kind of plants in the shelves in different kinds of hue━different kinds of meanings and different kinds of enigma. For her Nana, the old woman must've thought this place was heaven━no wonder she always buy fresh flowers and plants here. All of them looked fresh and well taken care of and no speck of dust nor insect can be seen.


Perking up at the sight of daffodils in different colors, the woman looked close and had the desire to buy them all herself. The beauty of such flowers were ethereal. "Bonjour?" Quickly turning around at the voice, the singer was met by a pair of sparkling, emerald eyes with lips up in a welcoming smile. The woman was dressed in a floral dress that fits her figure very well━straight, hazelnut hair flowing down past her shoulders, looking all soft, typical, attractive french female.

"Bonjour," she greets, giving her a small nod in greeting. "Je suis ici pour Monsieur Beaulieu?"

Watching the woman blink multiple times before opening her mouth, the singer stared at her expectantly. "Oh uh, he━shit, he um, Monsieur Beaulieu he um, au loin━flower uh━he's away getting some, flowers━can you understand english?"

A small smile tugging up her lips at the sudden realization, the singer leaned on the counter and looked at her━tilting her head in feign confusion. "Êtes-vous nouveau ici?"

Green eyes looking troubled as she looked around in such panic, Y/N watched amusingly as she fiddled around with her small dress pocket. When it revealed her phone━bright, pink phone case━the singer smiled more. Proceeding to watch her as she murmured a few things to herself, typing away on her phone━the girl took this oppurtunity to look at her up and down.

Definitely someone new. She thought, not having seen of her before around the neighborhood. But she dresses like everyone here. Cute.

"Uh━here," the woman held her phone out, and then just like that, Y/N realized what she was doing. "Monsieur Beaulieu reçoit des fleurs pour la livraison." The device said in monotone; only for the singer to realize she was using Google as translator; an awful one at that.

Looking up at her again━seeing her blushing in embarassment, not looking at her, she chuckled. Deciding to end her misery, she was about to open her mouth when; "Bonjour Y/N! Je ne savais pas que tu étais ici!" The door opened revealing Mr. Beaulieu, all in his white hair with his huge charming smile━looking like he hasn't old a day. He still had that aura about him that makes people smile. "I did not know you're here! Your Nana told me you are still somewhere in Spain." He said in his gruff, accented english.

"Bonjour Monsieur Beaulieu." Y/N smiles. "I just arrived this morning. I haven't been around home yet━Nana still hasn't seen me. I was just passing by to check on the flowers? To make everything easy for them back home. I take it they're getting ready?"

"Oui! Everything is magnifico!"

Chuckling, the singer turned to the girl who has her mouth open in surprise━the blush on her cheeks deepened. "You━You can understand and speak english?"

"Oui." She nods.

"Then why did you━why don't you━"

"It was nice seeing you make the effort. It's the most amusing thing I have seen this morning so far," Y/N chuckles, giving her a teasing wink. "I apologize for that."

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