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"Charlotte you're gonna break your arm can you please act normal for once!"

"Who said I was ever normal?!" The girl said from the tree, waving down at them like a maniac alongside her younger brother, who was smirking at her. Y/N could only shake her head in disapproval. "You should try and come up!"

"I have horrible balance, no thank you."

They only laughed.

"Let them be, if they ever fall down that's on their ass," her mother advised, chuckling as she put an arm around her daughter. "Nana is waiting for you over there." She pointed to the other side of the garden━and when she said garden, the other side of the huge field. It was along the mansion Sabel rented for them, and shit everything looked amazing outside.

"Is it time for the talk?" She winced, because she knew she owe her grandmother stories.

"Yeap." Her mother pats her head. "She's all ears now."


Looking at where everybody was, Y/N caught Lauren's eyes that were already on her. She smiled at the Cuban who returned the gesture, before pointing at her grandma who was having her own private time under another tree. Nodding, Lauren blew her kiss making her giggle.

God, being in love is disgusting.

Walking over to her Nana, Y/N smiled before leaning down to plant a kiss on her head. "Everything good Nana?" She asked, taking a seat beside her.

The old woman then let out a low chuckle before turning to her with those shining amber eyes, something which she inherited. "Oui," she says, reaching out for her hand to put in her lap. "The place is magnifique. I am glad you picked this manoir━I suddenly missed home."

"You didn't have to fly all the way here Nana," the singer chuckled. "I will fly back home anyways."

Her grandma only waves her off. "Non, I want to be here for you. I was so inquiet for you chérie," she shook her head, meeting her grandchild's eyes briefly. "My heart is overwhelmed by the love you are receiving from the people here. And I can also see how your eyes are luisant unlike before. You are in love."

Mouth gaping at the straightforward observation, her Nana only chuckled amusingly while patting her hand.

"I have lived for many ans, and I am the one who took care of you, nurtured you. I know you chérie," the old woman hummed. "Though you only have one eye for your own chérie, I see two bellas are in love with you."

"Nana. . "

"I may be old but I have eyes which perfectly works. That is why I can still see all the bullshit your brothers are giving me everyday,"


"Oh hay, don't le cri at me chérie, you people use crude languages and I, myself taught myself some words to hop on the trend. Your nana may be old but I like to feel young."

Y/N winced. "Cursing doesn't make you feel young, Nana."

"I would like to think so. And the word bull and shit is not as vulgar as it is darling," her Nana has a glint of playfulness in her eyes, making Y/N shook her head. She definitely knows where she got it all from. "Two bellas has their eyes on you, and you have your cœr for only one of them, do you know?"

"Yes. . I know," she sighs. "Camila and I talked about it just this morning."

The old woman only hummed. "The heart is a fragile yet a beautiful thing to have," she says. "Now, tell me what happened these past few months." She squeezed Y/N's hand, and just like that━the way her Nana was looking at her made her render in defense.

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