25 ☦︎︎ Smiling

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Richie walked down towards the school on a clear Thursday morning. On any other occasion, he would have driven his car to the school rather than walked, but as his body was still sore, he figured walking would be a smarter choice.

Richie's body had already healed a bit ever since yesterday when he had gone to Eddie for help. As he remembered the evening with Eddie, he got lost in the thoughts surrounding it.

He thought about how he felt when he looked up at Eddie's honeycomb eyes with his own chocolate brown ones, he thought about how Eddie's fingers felt on his lips, and he thought about how he felt in Eddie's overall presence.

His thoughts were cut off by the sound of bicycle wheels on the concrete beside him. He saw a brunette boy with straight hair on a bike, riding on the road, fairly close to the sidewalk. He kept his eyes on the boy as he rode past, Richie identified the boy as one of Eddie's friends that he sees hanging around him, Bill Denbrough.

Richie returned his gaze to the path in front of him, continuing his walk. The rest of his journey to school was filled with thoughts of random video games and cars.

In only a couple minutes, Richie made it to the school. He stopped in his tracks a little farther from the entrance when he saw Bill Denbrough again, standing with his face in the cupped hands of another boy, who he figured out to be another one of Eddie's friends, Stanley Uris.

In one swift motion, he watched as Stanley Uris connected his lips to Bill Denbrough's faster than a the sound of lightning. Richie knew he should be disgusted by such a thing. Boys aren't supposed to kiss other boys! He knew he should be shouting at both the boys, calling then faggots or fairies.

So, why was he smiling? Why did he now find the sight of two boys cherishing each other to be heartwarming and beautiful? He didn't want to smile at it, he didn't want to accept it, but he couldn't help that he thought it was endearing.

He wiped the thought from his brain. He shook his head, as to shake the thought out. He then started towards the entrance of the school, disgusted by himself. He purposely bumped into Bill just before entering the school.

As he kept walking, he saw Eddie leaning against a wall not too far from the school's main entrance. Eddie curiously looked up at the sound of the glass double-doors opening and closing. He locked eyes with Richie, and as Richie stared into his welcoming, warm brown eyes, he felt his heart stop for a second at the sight.

Eddie offered Richie a soft smile, to which Richie couldn't help but return a curve of the corners of his lips to. Richie kept walking and Eddie took a simple step forward before speaking.

"Richie." He started, looking up at the tall ravenette. "Eds." Richie teased, a smirk appearing on his light red lips.
Eddie rolled his eyes before continuing. "Don't call me that, but anyway, are you.. okay?" Eddie asked, concern and care evident in his innocent stare.

Richie knew exactly what he was referring to; his bruises. Richie just gave a simple nod in return, to which Eddie smiled and nodded also. Richie began navigating to his locker now.

As 7th period came to an end, Richie Tozier made his way to his locker, getting everything he needs to head to his dreadful home. He and Eddie had already discussed that Richie couldn't stay after school to study, Eddie didn't think too much of it, and told Richie it was okay, since their project just needs a few touch-ups before they're ready to hand it in on Monday.

Richie was glad Eddie didn't ask any questions about why he couldn't make it, he didn't want to tell him that his father is an intoxicated asshole.
Richie walked back the same path he had taken to make it to school. As he drew closer to his house, he saw his dad's car in the driveway. He sighed. He really didn't want to have to deal with his father right now.

"Rich!" A silvery voice called from behind him. He turned around, not expecting just anyone to be calling him 'Rich' or following somewhat close behind him.

He turned around and was met with the sight of his brother, along with his brother's closest friend, Will. A confused frown etched itself onto Richie's sharp features before he spoke. "... Hi?" He muttered, more in a questioning tone, rather.

Mike turned to Will, asking something Richie couldn't quite make out. Will then nodded in reply to whatever Mike had said, and Mike gave the cinnamon haired boy a smile before taking long strides towards Richie. Mike stood a centimetre or two taller than Richie, but he leaned his head down a little bit to whisper to Richie.

"I know Dad's been hard on you." Mike whispered lowly. Richie raised his eyebrows in a way that told him to go on. "Dad's always nice to both of us when my friends are over, so, it's a win-win situation, hm?" Mike said, offering his brother a small smile.

Richie looked behind his brother to see Will staring at random dandelions growing from the vibrant spring grass. He turned his gaze back to Mike before returning a brotherly smile. "Thanks, Michael Myers." He said, his smile turning into a playful smirk as his eyes became slyly narrowed.

Mike scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Whatever, Richard." Mike started back towards Will. Richie physically cringed at the sound of his full first name, but ignored it otherwise and turned back to start walking to the house again.

Before he turned around, he thought he saw Mike snake his arm around Will's waist. He didn't say anything about it as he began walking towards his house again, and he didn't realize he was smiling until he finally made it to the front door.

So, I know I said I would have another chapter out yesterday... but, I lied. Whoops. So, basically, I tried writing another chapter to post yesterday, and I wrote half of it at 2 am last night, but then my mind just ran clear and I didn't know what to add to it, so, I left the rest of it for today, I hope that's okay. But anyway, it's getting better, at least I was able to write more than 4 words yesterday, so, I think soon enough I'll be back on my normal schedule again. xx
- jackie

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