15 ☦︎︎ Baxter

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"First off, Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak-"

"WHAT?!" Eddie and Richie both yelled in unison, causing the entire class to suddenly turn their heads to the boys.

"I CAN'T BE PARTNERS WITH RICHIE!" Eddie spoke loudly with wide eyes filled with worry and arms flying around in the air.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kaspbrak, the decision is final, and also, please keep your voice a little quieter for me, okay?" The teacher replied with a smile.

She was always Eddie's favourite teacher for her easygoing attitude and kindness, but right now, he didn't know how to feel about her.

Eddie slumped in his chair with his arms crossed and eyebrows slightly furrowed. Richie turned around facing Eddie with a frown on his face as the teacher kept naming the partners.

"Fuck you, Kaspbrak." Richie whispered loud enough for only Eddie to hear. Eddie's eyebrows furrowed farther and an angry glint grew in his eyes. "In your dreams, Tozier." Eddie whispered back at him, causing Richie to scoff and roll his eyes before turning back around.

Eddie didn't pay attention to the rest of the class, not like he needed - or wanted - to hear any of it right now, the only thing he could do was think about how bad it would be to study beside Richie.

Then he thought, maybe, just maybe, if they could put Eddie's sexuality aside for a bit, then maybe, just maybe, they could be friends.

Or more...? NO, NO, NO! Eddie! What is wrong with you? Don't think like that about Richie. Eddie thought as he wanted to punch himself across the jaw.

he knew shouldn't be thinking like that, he knew that there's no way for Eddie and Richie to become anywhere even close to acquaintances.

He snapped out of his thoughts when the bell rang, meaning it was time to leave for third period. He stood up as fast as he could to get out of the class and away from Richie, but he was stopped by a random boy with wavy shoulder-length ginger hair and green eyes putting his arm on his shoulder.

"Dude! You're not falling for that Tozier, right?" The kid spoke quietly, causing Eddie's eyes to widen, "What?! Why would you ever think that?!" Eddie whisper-shouted, talking fast.

"Well," the red-head started again, smiling, to which showed Eddie that he had braces "When you entered the class, you, like, totally stared at him with heart eyes, and you're in a group project with him, and you look so nervous about it-" "OKAY, What?!" Eddie whisper-shouted once again, "I did NOT stare at him with 'heart eyes', and I'm nervous to work with him in the project because he's my BULLY!" Eddie spoke fast, still keeping his voice quiet.

"Okay, well, whatever floats your boat." The boy said, taking his hand of off Eddie's shoulder and starting to walk away. "Wait, who even are you?" Eddie said, to which the ginger turned around, "Baxter." The boy smiled before walking off again.

As Baxter walked off, Eddie heard loud boots stomping towards him, so he turned in the direction to see a frowning Richie Tozier stomping angrily out of the classroom, and while doing so, purposely bumping into Eddie's shoulder.

Richie heard the bell ring. He stood up to leave the classroom, and saw Eddie already at the door before getting stopped by a red-headed boy. Richie frowned and the anger returned, only now for the mysterious boy, as he saw the boy put his hand on Eddie's shoulder and lean in a bit closer to talked to him.

Great, the FAG's got a new boyfriend. How many FAIRIES walk around in this school? Richie thought to himself, his eyebrows furrowing farther.

Soon, he saw the red-head turn on his heel and start to walk away before Eddie called for him to turn around, "Wait, who even are you?" Eddie said as the boy turned around, smiling, "Baxter.".

Immediately Richie grew hateful for this so-called Baxter, the unexplainable anger returning once again. Richie started walking towards the door angrily, causing it to almost seem as stomping. The loud sound of his boots in the almost-empty classroom caused Eddie's head to turn to him, and the sight of his face made his face almost soften. Almost.

Instead, he controlled it and purposely bumped the side of his upper arm into Eddie's shoulder just before exiting the room toward his locker.

He finished exchanging books from his locker and made his way towards his 3rd period. As he walked in, he ignored all the girls trying to flirt with him, girls he had flirted with in the past, but he never actually liked them. He never really liked any girl.

As he finished a very boring 3rd period he headed to his locker once again, and while exchanging his supplies and books, he remembered that he had his next class with Matthew, so he might as well just have a bit of fun with it.

He entered the class to see Matthew already at his desk I'm the corner of the room, eyes fixated on a copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

He walked over to him, the sound of his familiar footsteps causing Matthew to look up from his book, a frown appearing on his face as he saw Richie.

"Hey." Richie said with no emotion evident in his voice. "Hi." Matthew replied, being his kind self, of course he offered a smile, a fake one at that.

"You know," Richie started, "Heard your little Eds has got a new boyfriend." Richie said, a smirk growing on his lips as Matthew's face filled with both sadness and anger.

"No, he doesn't. He's Eddie, he wouldn't go and talk to another guy while we're dating." Matthew said with a light frown on his face. Richie's anger grew strong as he heard the words come out of Matthew's mouth.

'-While we're dating.' Matthew's voice replayed in Richie's head, causing his anger to only grow stronger. He frowned angrily before deciding not to sa anything else, and then turned and walked back to his desk across the room, leaving Matthew confused.

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