24 ☦︎︎ Talking to Trashmouth

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Thursday morning approached along with powder blue skies sprinkled with chiffon clouds. A tuscan sun shone down its gorgeous glow onto the Denbrough residence.
Bill exited his house with a goodbye to his parents and his little brother, Georgie.

He sat on the seat of his bike on his lawn, quickly taking his phone out and texting the losers' groupchat, and afterwards texting Stanley individually.
He then put his phone back in the pocket of his steel denim shorts, and began to pedal to the school.

As he rode down the side of the sidewalk, he saw an unexpected sight.
He slowed his bike down a couple yards behind what - who - he had seen and watched intently. He knew his hair, and his height, and his clothing style well enough to know who it was.

He watched as Richie Tozier walked stiffly down the sidewalk. He didn't want to draw attention to himself from his best friend's bully, so, he quickly pedalled at his previous speed. As he rode by the tall boy on the sidewalk, Richie's head turned and looked at Bill, who couldn't be bothered to look back at Richie, already feeling his gaze on his back for less than a couple seconds.

Bill finally arrived at the school, getting of off his bike and leading it to the rusty bike rack.
Him and Stan planned to meet in the front of the school so they could hang out for a bit before school actually started. Bill just looked at the clear sky aimlessly, waiting for Stan to arrive.

As he drifted off into his own mind, thoughts about everything and nothing coming and going, he felt a hand on his left shoulder.
He turned around, startled, being pulled oit of his daydreaming state. Stan was standing to his left, smiling his adorable smile with his eyes slightly squinted.
His soft hand atop Bill's arm was enough to give Bill more than a hundred butterflies.

Stan softly laughed at Bill's sudden reaction, his eyes now fully closing. Bill might as well have been able to see the halo above Stanley's head. "Did I scare you?" Stan asked with a small smile and his left eyebrow slightly tilted upwards.

Bill stared at the curly haired boy before him with heart eyes and lips parted - Stan completely oblivious of the boy's besotted stare. Bill slowly shook his head, before giving a small "N-no.".

Stan breathed a laugh through his nose, a light curve playing on the corners of his pink lips as his eyes travelled around the stuttering boy's face. "Okay, then." Stan spoke, soft brown eyes wandering all over Bill's face, making him blush.

Bill then cleared his throat and closing his mouth, straightening his posture. "Uhm, St-S-Stan?" Bill said, quieting his voice with ever stutter. "Yeah?" Stan replied, now looking into Bill's forest green orbs.

"I'm s-still re-really sorry ab-bout what I d-did last Tuesd-day." Bill muttered.
"Bill, really, it's okay, you need to stop apologizing..." Stan reassured, his voice fading out.
"...I liked it." Stan added with a shy smile.

Bill, still convinced he did the wrong thing a week back, thought Stan was uncomfortable.
"I kn-know that wuh-we're closer th-than the rest of thuh-the losers, b-but-" Bill started nervously, "Bill." Stan said sternly, cutting Bill off.

Bill only hummed, looking up at Stan through his eyelashes, making Stan's heart skip a beat.
"It's..." Stan started, only to stop and sigh.
He just stared down at Bill for a second, before bringing both of his hands up to cup Bill's face.

Bill's cheeks turned the colour of a poinsettia's petal. The two stared into each other's eyes, both admiring the boy before them.
Stan and Bill have pining for each other ever since the two had met in the 7th grade.

In the speed of light, Stan leaned in while also gently bringing Bill's face towards his. He pressed a chaste peck onto Bill's pouting, pink lips.
If even possible, Bill's face turned more red as Stan's turned a cherry red.

The action lasted less than a second, but the two boys had a connection like no other. Both their stomachs' swarmed with even more butterflies, flapping their wings and flying rapidly, as if they were liquid molecules in boiling water.

Bill looked around worriedly after Stan dropped his hands from his face. "A-A-Aren't you w-w-worried p-people j-juh-judging y-you?" Bill asked in a hushed, worried tone.
"No. I care too much about you to worry about what they think." Stan said proudly, shooting Bill a fond smile.

Bill bit his lip to prevent a smile from breaking out, but it got the best of him as he gave a toothy smile.
Bill quickly threw his skinny arms over Stan's shoulders before wrapping them around his neck and pulling Stan in for a hug.
Stan chuckled as he let his arms nest around Bill's waist.

Only a couple seconds passed before Bill slowly started to pull away from Stan's warm embrace. While doing so, he felt something - or rather someone - harshly brush against his back.

Turning around, Bill saw Richie Tozier once again, stifled stomps leading him in through the school doors.
Stan immediately frowned, draping an arm over Bill's shoulders.
"That bitch!" He said harshly, yet quietly - Bill being the only person to hear him.

"Let's j-j-just go i-inside, ok-kay?" Bill asked, looking at Stan. Stan just nodded with pursed lips before both boys started towards the school doors.

As the two went through the doors, they saw Eddie holding a conversation as Richie looked down at him, eyes exploring every inch of Eddie's face.

"Wh-what the fuck?" Bill stuttered with confused furrowed eyebrows
"Why are they just having a normal conversation? Last time I checked, Richie liked to beat Eddie!" Stan said, not knowing if he should be concerned or angry.

When Stan and Bill saw Eddie's mouth stop moving, Richie nodded, Eddie smiling in return, followed by Richie turning on his heel and beginning to waddle away stiffly.
The two boys at the entrance of the school made their way over to where Eddie was standing.
Eddie turned, hearing their footsteps echo through the halls of Derry High. He looked up, flashing a smile at the two and raising a hand to wave at them.

Stan and Bill close enough to being in earshot of Eddie, causing the short boy to speak up. "Hey, guys! I'm waiting for Ben and B-" He started cheerily, getting cut off by the curly haired blond.
"Why were you talking to trashmouth?" He spoke immediately, crossing his arms while doing so.

Eddie's eyebrows raised as guilt filled up in his honey coloured orbs. He pursed his lips and hesitated before answering. "Science project." He said simply, talking fast.
Stan could tell he was hesitant, hinting that Eddie was in fact lying, but he didn't want to pressure him. If Eddie has reasons to talk to Richie that he doesn't want to share, that's his choice.

Stan nodded before answering. "Oh, okay." He said, looking at Bill, only to see that Bill was already staring at him. Bill's jade eyes spoke to Stan in a way that said he's lying.
Stan nodded, turning back just in time to see Ben and Beverly making their way over to them, hand in hand.

The 6 teenagers started up friendly greetings and small talk, only to hear the first bell ring a couple minutes later. They all said their goodbyes to each other, Eddie, Stan, and Bill walking over to math, with Stan and Bill walking incredibly close to each other, hands brushing every now and then.

I am SO sorry for not updating for so long, I don't really know why I haven't been able to stay focused, and I don't know where my motivation went, and my writer's block is killing me, but I'm trying to get back on track again, so I will try my best to have another chapter out by tomorrow, but for now, enjoy this little stenbrough chapter, xx
- jackie

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