14 ☦︎︎ Strawberry Chapstick

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The following weekend had already come to an end. It was Monday, the day that Eddie and Matthew had turned in their project. The two boys had gotten closer over the past 4 days. Much, much closer.

Matthew had gone over to Eddie's house and stayed long to work on the project more. And they may have shared some kisses in between. Or maybe many kisses. And they may have a movie date on Friday.

Either way, the two had gotten very close over the past couple of days, and had been a bit more touchy and friendly at school, which did not make Richie happy.

Richie walked around the school on Monday, he had just finished first period and was headed towards his second period class, knowing he was going to get assigned a project today for science.

Richie made his way around the halls, turning to girls and winking at them once in a while. He kept on walking, nearing closer to Eddie's locker, what he saw made the unexplainable anger in his chest stronger than it had ever been before.

Eddie's back was pressed against his locker, Matthew standing facing him with his hands around Eddie's waist and lips locked with his. Eddie's arms were around Matthew's neck, with one hand in his hair, and as they were making out, Richie could have sworn he saw tongue.

He wanted nothing more than to be in Matthew's place- WHAT?! NO! That came out wrong!! He wanted nothing more than to be beside Matthew and push him away from Eddie.

As he stared longer at the scene, his anger grew and there could have quite possibly been steam coming out of his ears. He teared his gaze away from them, continuing his path to his own locker with his cheat aching of both anger and sadness. Why sadness? He didn't know.

Eddie didn't feel anything special as him and Matthew kissed against the lockers, but he was already over that. He knew he liked Matthew. He has for years.

He heard boots walking closer in the hallways, and soon stopping not too far from him and Matthew, but he didn't really care about it. Maybe after a minute, the footsteps started again, going the opposite direction than which they had come from.

Eddie pulled away from the kiss, checking the time, and deciding now was a good time for both him and Matthew to head to their second periods.

"We should get going to our classes." Eddie said as he looked up with his eyes to Matthew. Matthew wasn't much taller than Eddie, only about two and a half centimetres, which Eddie was grateful for. If he had to kiss anyone taller than Matthew, like Richie, then he would probably have to stand on his toes- Wait, what? Why would he kiss Richie?! He wouldn't kiss Richie!

"Yeah, I'll see you later, bye though." Matthew said with his brilliant smile, disconnecting himself from Eddie. "Yeah, I'll see you later, bye, Matt!" Eddie said as Matthew made his way towards his own class.

Eddie walked the direction of which the boots from earlier had headed. He entered the science room, ignoring the fact that Richie was carving a dick with his keys on the back of the chair he was sitting in.

Quickly, before he walked to his own desk, he admired how Richie bit his lip with a look of concentration on his face - even though he was doing it to perfectly draw a dick.

With his bottom lip caught between his teeth, he looks... Handsome. What? No, he doesn't, Eddie! Eddie thought to himself, but mental slapped himself for even thinking for a second that Richie is attractive.

But, I mean, he kind of is? No, no, no, no. Stop. Eddie thought yet again before sighing and walking to his seat and sitting down to clear his mind.

Richie looked up at the noise, and locked eyes with Eddie. As soon as he did, Eddie noticed that his expression changed from calm and concentrated, to disgust.

"How does Matthew's throat taste, huh? I mean, you basically had your tongue down his esophagus before class!" Richie spat, angrily. Instead if his usual teasing, mischievous glare, today it was replaced with pure anger and disgust.

Eddie's eyes widened and his cheeks flushed a colour of rose beneath his freckles, and he looked down to see Richie wearing heavy boots. Then, he pieced it together; The boots in the hall had belonged to Richie, and he had most definitely seen him and Matthew making out.

He looked back up at Richie, who wore the same glare, and he decided to play it tough. Instead of cowering down with a blushed face, Eddie's eyebrows furrowed, "Actually, it tastes like strawberries, for your information!" Eddie answered, what he stated was true, Matthew liked to apply strawberry chapstick, keeping his lips soft, which Eddie thought was very pristine and cute.

Instead of firing back a witty remark, Richie's angry glare grew a hint of sadness and a bit more anger before he turned around and slumped in his chair.

Eddie became confused - yet proud, knowing he had shut the Richie Tozier up - before organizing his stuff out on his desk.

"Actually, it tastes like strawberries, for your information!" Eddie said with venomous glare.

Richie would have said something in return, but his angry demeanour was replaced with sadness, not knowing why he was sad, he quickly faked an angry expression and turned back around to face the front of the class.

He didn't know why what Eddie had said back hurt him so much. Maybe he just didn't want the fact that Eddie and Matthew had made out to be real.

The teacher entered the class, ridding Richie's thoughts as she spoke. "Good day, class, today you have a new duo's project around cells, so please stay silent while I state the names of the pairs." She said before clearing her throat and straightening out a piece of paper and speaking up again,

"First off, Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak-"

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