12 ☦︎︎ Butterflies

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It was Thursday, yesterday Matthew had come over to Eddie's house for the project; where they kissed.

Eddie woke up feeling great, and checked his phone to see texts from both the losers and Matthew. He quickly texted the losers before clicking on Matthews contact and replying.

He got up and put on a red and green striped shirt, tucked it into black shorts and put on white tall socks before heading downstairs.

Sonia greeted him as she looked at him up and down, checking his outfit out. Eddie knew Sonia never liked it when he wore shorts, she always thought it was too gay for a guy to wear shorts, but Eddie didn't care. It was his choice what he wore, not hers.

He good morning back to her and ate the breakfast she pushed his way. He finished and put his dishes in the sink before grabbing a cup of water to swallow his useless pills.

He grimaced at the taste of the placebos on his tongue before he filled his mouth with water. He hated the feeling of the pills going down his esophagus, but he never complained about it, knowing from experience that if he did, he'd be in deep shit.

He grabbed his bag and said goodbye to his mom before making his way down to the school. He started thinking about Matthew, more specifically about the kiss.

He was so confused as to why he didn't feel anything special. Sometimes he would read romance books in which a character kissed someone who they didn't have feelings for, they would feel nothing too crazy, and when that same person kissed someone they truly had feelings for, there would be butterflies. A whole zoo, maybe.

It's supposed to make you feel like your whole world is complete, like there's fireworks set off in your stomach, but Eddie didn't feel that. He knew he liked Matthew, so why was he not feeling those things?

Eddie came to a conclusion that he was just overthinking, so when he snapped out of his thoughts, he realized he had made it to school, and he was surprised to see the losers club a caught up in a conversation with Matthew.

He walked over to them, confused, and they all seemed to notice the sound of his footsteps, because they turned to his direction and as soon as they did, Matthew blushed as he looked Eddie up and down.

The losers and Matthew made small talk before declaring that they should make their way to their classes. Eddie, Matthew, Stan, and Bill all started walking as a group to go to math class, with Eddie and Matthew in the front, and Stan and Bill walking close by behind.

They were walking silently until Matthew carefully slipped Eddie's hand into his own. Eddie blushed and his gaze turned towards their hands, but he said nothing and held Matthew's hand too.

Eddie also knew that he should be feeling the butterflies now, but he didn't want to overthink it, he already came to the conclusion that the whole butterfly thing was an exaggeration.

Stan and Bill watched with wide eyes and gaped smiles as Eddie and Matthew held hands, they shared a quick glance with each other, but both looked down, but soon enough, both boys were nearing their hands closer to the other's and they linked hands with flushed cheeks.

For Bill and Stan, it was a whole other story. Their stomachs were now both filled with fluttering butterflies and they smiled to themselves as they walked hand-in-hand.

Stan and Bill had bonded more than anyone would have expected in the past few days, because what nobody else, besides the two boys themselves, knew was that the two had also shared their first kiss thanks to this project.

Richie watched from his locker as the three losers and Matthew entered their math class. He felt anger grow inside of him towards Matthew, the same anger he had felt just yesterday, only this time stronger.

He didn't know WHY he was angry at Matthew, It's just because he's a fag Richie thought to himself. Sure, he wasn't feeling angry at the two boys following closely behind Matthew and Eddie, but that didn't mean anything, he knew it was just because he's gay, though he wasn't feeling angry towards the other boys.

Richie just shut his thoughts off and turned to go his first period, he wouldn't let his overthinking cause him to be late. He entered the class a few minutes early and sat down at his seat with his legs up on the desk and leaned back to relax

The scene of Matthew and Eddie kept entering his brain. He shouldn't care so much, but he does, and he doesn't know why. He's never been this bothered by something like that, and he's never been as mad as he is at Matthew. He hated it. The fact that he was feeling this way towards them. He especially hated the fact that the anger he was feeling was not a normal type of anger. He felt like there was a bit of sadness, but why would he feel sad?

He was pulled back to reality when he heard a door slam, he panicked, as if suddenly waking up from a deep sleep, and almost fell out of his seat. He realized that class had already ended and everyone was making their way out of the room.

Richie was now growing frustrated with himself because he was letting himself be so bothered by it. He's never thought about something this deeply before. He groaned as he stood up and entered the busy halls to get to science, his class with Eddie.

This chapter is, like, 40 words shorter than my previous couple of chapters and I also wrote this when it was like really late so it's literal shit, but I felt the need to update. but anyways we're getting close to the interesting parts of the story, so yeah.
- jackie

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