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It's been five years and I'm just gonna throw this out there..it's sad...but Zena...the cat passed away...she lived with them...but sadly she passed away...RIP🙏

~5 years later~

A boy...or should I say man sat on his thrown and watched as his husband and his son played together. A smile tugged at his lips and he chuckled. "Come on daddy! Join us!" His son begged. "I'm not the type to play.." The new king stated. His husband chuckled and smirked. "Mm sure you aren't." He teased. The king's cheeks turned bright red and he growled. "Fine,I'll play." He said and stood up. They played and laughed together. That was until someone knocked on the door. "What is it?" The king growled. 

"Haruki is that anyway to let in your guests?" The old king,Haruki's father Kaiko,asked. Haruki groaned. "Just great.." Haruki mumbled. Nectorio walked in as well,smiling small. "Grandma! Grandpa!" Chīsana,Haruki and Ryou's son,ran over to Kaiko and Nectorio,hugging their legs. "Hello darling" Nectorio said softly.

Chīsana is 4 years old and he was born with blonde hair just like his father,Ryou. He has green eyes and he is the cutest. He has Ryou's sweet nature but has Haruki's attitude. He was born August 27th as well. Since he is half human he can't turn into a huge fire breathing dragon...he can turn into only a small dragon. (His name means small dragon)

 (His name means small dragon)

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"What the hell are you even doing here?" Haruki asked

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"What the hell are you even doing here?" Haruki asked. "We wanted to visit" Kaiko growled. "Please no fighting..not today" Nectorio sighed. Both Kaiko and Haruki looked away a mumbled "fine" under their breath. "Can we go outside and play daddy?" Chīsana begged Haruki. Haruki sighed and nodded. They all walked outside and instantly Chīsana turned dragon. He jumped around and played with Nectorio. "Incoming!" They heard a shout from above. Akari landed her wings out spread. "Guess whoooooo?" She growled. Haruki laughed. Meetski landed beside her. Meetski had grown and so did her dragon form. 

"Hey Haruki!" Meetski said

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"Hey Haruki!" Meetski said. Haruki waves. "Hey" He said. Chīsana squealed and ran up to Akari. "Aunt Akari!" He squealed. "Hey squirt." Akari said,picking him up with her claw. "Hey Haruki? You wanna go fly with the fam,it's been awhile?" Akari asked. Haruki smirked and nodded. "Hell yeah." He said as he turned. Ryou looked up at him and smiled. Haruki grabbed him gently and placed him on his back. "Chīsana come." Haruki ordered. Chīsana jumped out of Akari's hand and crawled up his fathers arm. Nectorio and Kaiko turned as well. 

"Ready?" Haruki asked.

"Ready." Everyone else answered. 

Each one flapped their wings and they lifted off into the sky. Where are they flying? No one knows. They can fly all the way up to the stars. They can go to the village. They can go anywhere and nothing will stop them.

~the end~

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