The first "feeling"

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         Haruki sat bored on the bed as Akari spun around in a chair. All of a sudden Ryou barged in. "Haruki!" He yelled,happy. Haruki jumped and Akari got her gun out. "Woah A-Akari calm down." Ryou said,nervously. Akari glared then sat down,putting her gun away again. Haruki looked at him,confused. "You wanna go somewhere?" Ryou asked. Haruki raised an eyebrow. "Where and why?" He asked. Ryou scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Well I wanna show you around because you've never actually seen the whole village..." he said,trailing off. Haruki sighed and got up,limping over to him. "Sure"He said and went out of the room. He then called from outside the room, "Akari I want you to stay here!". Then it went quiet. Akari glared as Ryou ran out of the room. She sighed and spun in the chair again.

-in the village-

        Haruki trailed behind Ryou as he rambled on about the village. "Here's my favorite place to eat! It's amazing and you would probably..." Ryou began. "Yeah mhm awesome....." Haruki said and stopped when he noticed they were right next to the trail to the dragon tribe. He looked at it,staying quiet. "And this is....Haruki?" Ryou went over to Haruki and looked at the trail too. "Oh...yeah that's the way to the dragon blood tribe. Some villagers use to go up there to fight them,saying they are horrible things. No one goes up there anymore though. They're to scared...." he said softly.

     "Horrible things...." Haruki whispered. Ryou raised his eyebrows and looked at him. "Well yeah. They are really dangerous. They turn into blood thirsty creatures" Ryou stated. Haruki instantly turned to him. "Blood thirsty?" Haruki growled. Ryou nodded and looked down sadly. "My father was killed by one of them...." he said. Haruki's eyes widened,"What?". "My father was with a group of villagers to go to the tribe and he never came back....someone told me the king got him." Ryou said. Haruki froze.


          Haruki sat on his bed,staring up at his father. He bounced is place. "Daddy tell me the story again! Tell me,tell me!" He begged Kaiko. Kaiko chuckled and sat on the bed,setting Haruki on his lap. "Alright Alright." He said. Haruki looked up at him,his eyes big. "It was a very cold and quiet day in the tribe. I was helping your mother watch you when you were still in the egg. We knew you would hatch soon,so we would barley keep our eyes on you. Then out of no where we heard shouting,the clanking sounds of metal,and bullets being shot. I told your mother to stay by your side and went to go check. A whole group of humans were attacking our home! I couldn't let them do it,so I turned into a dragon and attacked them! Then I heard your mother's scream and I ran to her as quick as I could. A human male was standing over her while she held your egg tightly in her arms. This man had a sword and he was bigger than her. Your mother couldn't fight back since she was still weak from giving birth to your egg. I attacked the man and surprisingly he could fight against a dragon. I got him in the end and all his followers ran back to their puny village. You and your mother were safe" Kaiko told the story as Haruki smiles wide. "You're the best daddy!" Haruki cheered.

End of flashback

        Haruki growled. "You ever think that the dragon bloods were just trying to protect their kind?" He asked. Ryou looked at him,confused. "This village just decided to attack the tribe because they were dangerous. Many of the villagers died...and why? Because they were attacking them. They had to fight back to protect their young! The dragon bloods didn't even attack the village! People just see something that is different and they instantly think it's dangerous!" Haruki yelled,rage filling up inside him. Ryou stepped back. "They....we....I..." Ryou couldn't get anything out. "Exactly. All of you are bastards" Haruki stated and shoved past him.

      "Wait Haruki!" Ryou called after him and walked beside him. "I'm sorry...I never thought of it like that" he said softly. "It's fine..."Haruki said. Ryou looked down then got an idea. "Hey I know what will make you feel better! Come on!" Ryou said,cheerfully,grabbing Haruki's arm and dragging him somewhere. "Ow! I'm still injured idiot! You sh-...." Haruki stopped,wide eyed,staring at a beautiful purple rose. It was on a small rock in a dark cave. A hole on the ceiling in the cave shown light through it. The light struck the rose's petals and it glowed. 


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       " this?" Haruki mangaged to ask. Ryou smiled small at the rose. "My village calls it Zaštitnika. It means The Protector. This flower protects our village.....if it's roots get destroyed then the whole village will fall with it.." Ryou said softly. "Why...are you showing me this? Im a stranger" Haruki said,still astonished. Ryou looked at him and smiled. "Because I trust you" he said. Haruki felt his face heating up and started blushing. He growls and looks down. "Are you alright? Your face is all red" Ryou asked,worry in his tone. 

      "You shouldn't trust me idiot! And stop worrying about me! Im a stranger that fell from the mountain! Why aren't you scared of me!?" Haruki yelled. Ryou backed up,surprised from his outburst. "Haruki..I-" Ryou began,but Haruki pushes past him. "No shut it!" Haruki yelled and limped away. Ryou watched him go and sighed. He looked down sadly. 

     Haruki limped to the forest and sat down on a rock. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I wish I never fell down that stupid mountain! I wish everything went back to normal!" He said angrily to himself. "Are you stressed master?" a voice asked. Haruki looked around. "Who said that!?" Haruki growled. Black smoke formed in front of him. It spun around in a circle and began forming a dragon. The dragon was huge,bigger than any dragon Haruki has seen before. It was absoulutly terrifying too. It's black skin and that purple glow. It had a bony like appearance as well.

 It had a bony like appearance as well

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Haruki instantly knew who it was. He stepped back. "E-Eithera" he stuttered. He got down on his knees,ignoring the pain,and bowed. "Get up boy! You are my master. You don't need to bow in my pressence" Eithera growled. Haruki quickly got up. "M-Master? How?" Haruki asked. "Are you really that dumb!? You have "the eye of the mythical dragon Eithera"!! Meaning you have my power!" The dragon hissed. "B-But I'm suppose to only have your power....I'm not suppose to be able to talk to you" Haruki said. "What do you think THE EYE of Eithera means!? It means I'm here to bring you down the right path. I lead you as you lead me!" Eithera roared. Haruki could barley believe this was happening. Eithera shook his head and sighed deeply. They both heard something and Eithera growled. "I need to go! If you need me,all you need to do is say my name"he hissed and disappeared. Yuu came out of the woods. 

     "Oh there you are. Ryou and your little friend was worried about you" Yuu said,clearly annoyed. "Tch. Of course they're worried." Haruki said and went passed Yuu,stubbornly. Yuu stared at the spot where Haruki was for a little longer and narrowed his eyes. He shook his head and followed Haruki. They got back to the house a little later and Haruki went straight to the bedroom and "fell asleep" thinking of what happened.


Well here you guys go! A long chapter! Hope you like it! Love you❤️

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