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        Another week passed and Haruki got closer to Ryou. They acted like their little fight never happened. Haruki also found a way to practice his power in his dreams. Eithera usually was there to help him. But one day something very sad happened. 

         Ryou came into his bedroom to see Haruki putting his black hoodie on. Akari was all dressed up,her pistol in her belt and her other gun on her back. "What...are you guys doing?" Ryou asked,standing by the doorway. Haruki froze and turned to him. He sighed and glanced away. "We're leaving." He said and started putting his shoes on. "L-Leaving!? B-But why?" Ryou asked,worry filling up inside him. 

     Akari rolled her eyes slightly and looked at Ryou. After all this time she never got use to him. "Well because he is healed. What did you think the reason was you idiot?" She said. "O-Oh yeah...." Ryou said,sadness in his voice. Haruki felt pain in his chest when he heard the sadness in his sentence. It wasn't like a heartbroken feeling it was more. He clutched his chest and breathed heavy. Akari raised an eyebrow and looked at Haruki. "Hey you alright?" She asked.

      He nodded and exhaled. He turned around and looked at Ryou. "Thanks for letting us stay here." He said softly. "Yeah of course" Ryou responded. "Come on Akari." Haruki said and walked out of the room. He could barely look at Ryou without feeling that pain again. The sad expression just broke him. He didn't want to leave either,but he had to. Akari followed him as they left the small house. Haruki felt a arm tug him back and he turned around. Ryou was standing there,looking down. ""  Ryou stuttered. 

       Haruki sighed. I can't believe I'm about to do this. (That's his thinking) Haruki pulled Ryou into a hug. Ryou was shocked at first but he hugged back. Akari watched in shock,not believing what she was seeing. Yuu watched with narrowed eyes,mumbling to himself. Haruki pulled away,as did Ryou. They looked at each other and locked eyes. A bunch of emotions rapidly filled their bodies. It's like they were frozen. Haruki couldn't catch his breath. They both looked away quickly. Ryou looked down sadly. 

"Goodbye Haruki...." He said softly. Haruki looked at him and turned around. "Goodbye.....Ryou" He said and walked towards the woods with Akari. Ryou watched them go and glanced away. "So Yuu What-Yuu?" Ryou turned around and didn't see Yuu. He started looking around. "Yuu?" He called out.

      "It feels good to be going home. I like the village but I did not like staying that long." Akari said as they stopped in the middle of the forest,stretching. Haruki didn't say anything. "Oi what's up with you?" Akari asked. Haruki looked up at her. "Nothing" He said. "Tch Okay. You ready? I know it's been a while since you turned" she said. Haruki smirked and nodded. Akari changed right away and looked down at Haruki. "Hey pip squeak" she sneered. "You won't be looking down on me for much longer" Haruki said and changed. Luckily they were far from the village because Anyone could see Haruki from miles away. He looked down at Akari and smirked. "Now who's the pip squeak?" he teased.

     They both laughed and flew up towards the tribe. Little did they know someone was watching. Yuu tightened his grip on his knife,growling to himself. He smirked and turned around. He walked back to Ryou,laughing to himself. Since Haruki was so big most of the tribe saw him before he even landed. They cheered loudly and he let out a "Tch". He landed and stretched his wings. Akari landed after and changed back. Haruki changed back and was tackled by the tribe.

"We've missed you our prince!"

"Did the humans hurt you!?"

"Are you alright!?"

"It's good to have you back!"

      They were all worried and happy to have him back. He told them he was fine and looked forward. His mother,father,and grandfather were standing there. Nectorio smiled softly and ran up to him,hugging him tightly. "I've missed you so much baby." She said. She pulled away and cupped his face,turning it from side to side. "Did they hurt you more?" She asked. Haruki shook his head. "No mother. Don't worry" he said.

     Hinita came up to him and patted his shoulder. "Falling down the mountain? Really?" He teased. Haruki glared. "You shouldn't have left" he growled. Hinita laughed softly. "I know I know. I'm sorry." He said and stepped to the side as Kaiko stepped forward. "Hello my son" he said softly. "Hello" Haruki responded. "I'm glad you are back. Now we can go on with your training." Kaiko said. Haruki backed away. "Tch of course. What did I expect. I finally come home and you don't give a shit. All you care about is that I learn to control my power." Haruki growled.

      Kaiko glared. "Of course. It will help our tribe. We can make sure no one falls into the humans hands again." He said,eyeing Haruki. "Oh so that's what you think!? It was my fault I got hurt and had to stay behind huh!? I would've came back if I wasn't ordered to stay! You know what!? I was excited to come home and all I get in return is your stupid bullshit!" Haruki shouted. "Don't yell at me boy. Get washed up and start training." Kaiko said and turned around. "No" Haruki said,holding his ground.

      Kaiko turned to him again and raised an eyebrow. "What did you say?" He growled. "I said....NO!" Haruki growled back. Kaiko grabbed his arm and pulled him closer,harshly. "Don't say no to me boy" he growled deeply. Haruki pushes his father away and stepped back. Kaiko stood up and growled,his eyes glowing dark red. He was growling deeply. "No Kaiko! Calm yourself!" Nectorio yelled as Kaiko lifted his hand. He didn't hear her and claws grew from his hand. He brought his hand down,striking Haruki. There was gasps and Kaiko opened his eyes,since they weren't open when he attacked.

      His eyes widened as he stared up at the huge black dragon in front of him. There Eithera stood,he blocked the attack and was glaring down at the king. Purple smoke escaped his mouth. "E-Eithera?" Kaiko said. "How dare you try to attack him" Eithera roared stepping forward,ready to attack Kaiko. "No! Stop Eithera!" Haruki shouted.

To be continued. Mwhahahahaha


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