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         "New....bride?" Haruki said,his voice cracking. "Well of course. If you want to take over the thrown and have children then you need a bride. And since you have been going off somewhere I decided to get you a mate." Kaiko said,growling at the end. Rengay smiled and bowed. "I'm very glad I get to be your bride." She said. Haruki growled deeply making her look up at him,fear in her eyes. "You are NOT my bride! I'm not getting married to someone I don't even know! I already hav-...I mean" Haruki almost spilled his secret and Kaiko caught on. "What?" He growled. He stepped forward and grabbed Haruki by the arm. Haruki winced,as his father looked him in the eyes. Kaiko leaned forward and breathed in his sent. Kaiko's eyes widened and he snarled.

        "What is this!? I can smell it all over you!! You have a mate already!? And it's a male!?" Kaiko roared. Haruki froze and his whole body felt paralyzed. "Well!? Answer me!!" Kaiko roared again. "Sir!" A voice shouted as one of the Royal guards ran into the room. Kaiko looked his way and so did Haruki. Meetski! The guard had Meetski by her arm. She was struggling. Haruki tried going to her but Kaiko held him back. "What!?" Kaiko asked harshly. "I overheard this little one talking to someone. It seems she has some information about where the prince has been going everyday." The guard said. Kaiko's eyes widened as did Haruki's. Meetski was on the verge of tears. She didn't want to tell them,she loved Haruki.

      "Well,tell me then!" Kaiko growled as he kneeled down to her level. Meetski shook her head. Kaiko almost lashed out at her. "Tell me now! I have the power to hurt your parents! Do you want them injured!?" Kaiko asked. "N-No!" Meetski squeaked. "Then tell me! Now!" Kaiko roared. Meetski looked up at Haruki and then looked back at Kaiko. "Everyday he goes to see this boy named Ryou. He's a human boy,but he's very nice! A-And I think they go well together." Meetski stated. Kaiko growled and gestures for the guard to take her away. "Please don't hurt Haruki!" She squeaked. The guard dragged her away and Kaiko stood back up. He sighed. "Go outside for a moment Rengay." Kaiko said. Rengay bowed and walked out. Everything was still until Haruki was slapped in the face and fell back.

         "A human!? Really!? A man even!?" Kaiko shouted and kicked Haruki in the gut. Haruki spit out blood and before he knew it he was punched in the face. Blood ran down his face. Kaiko lifted Haruki up and looked into his eyes. "So that's how the boy looks?" Kaiko whispered. He threw Haruki out of the building and walked out after him. A crowd surrounded them. Nectorio was out with others that day so she wasn't there to witness this. Kaiko kicked Haruki once again. Haruki could barley move,but he looked out at the crowd around them. Akari was being held back by 5 guards. "Haruki!" She called out. Kaiko looked down at his son with a glare. "This will not do at all! My only solution is to kill the boy before he can do anything with you!" Kaiko roared. Haruki's eyes widened. Kaiko turned into his dragon form and flew up. "Time to teach this boy a lesson for being with my son!" Kaiko growled and flew towards the village. "No!" Haruki called out as he tried getting up,but fell because of the pain. Akari ran up to him after injuring the gaurds. "Haruki!" She yelled as she ran up to him. He stood up,wobbily on his legs. His eyes glowed purple and he was growling deeply. "He's dead"

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