Yuu's Secret

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      Haruki laid there,his chest barely rising. "Yuu why did you do that!?" How did you do that!?" Ryou asked,angry and confused. Kaiko had gone to Haruki after he had fallen and was trying to help him. Yuu laughed softly and jumped down from the building. "Ryou...there's something I gotta tell you. I've known about Haruki for a while. It was my job to kill him. After all I'm a dragon Assassin." Yuu stated. Ryou's eyes widened. "A...dragon assassin?" Ryou whispered. "Yeah,badass right. Dragon assassins are made to kill dragon bloods. I was raised as a assassin. I didn't tell you...well because it was a secret. Now my mission is done,so might as well kill his father too." Yuu said.

       "I knew you seemed familiar!" A roar sounded from behind them. They turned around and saw Akari in dragon form standing there. "You're Diablo's son,one of the greatest dragon assassins." She stated. He chuckled and nodded. "And you're Akari,Haruki's so called... "bodyguard"..." he said. Akari growled and stepped forward. "That's Akari...she's one too.." Ryou whispered. "Akari! Come here! I'll take care of him,you take of my son!" Kaiko's broken roar sounded above them. Akari looked at her king and she instantly broke. He looked so broken. She nodded and flew over to them. Kaiko then growled and turned towards Yuu. "You'll pay!" He growled.  "Hm will I?" Yuu asked.

     He got the book out again,getting ready to attack,but Ryou went in front of Yuu,facing Kaiko. "Please...don't hurt him....I'll handle him....he's still my best friend..." Ryou said. Yuu looked at him shocked as did Kaiko. Kaiko growled and Ryou turned around. "Why...but I thought you would hate me now. Hah tha-Ngh!" Before he could finish he was punched in the face by Ryou. He passed out in a second. Kaiko growled and went back to Haruki. 

     Ryou looked down at Yuu,and ran to Haruki. "What are we gonna do?" Akari asked. "We do nothing." Kaiko said softly. "But he will die!" Ryou shouted,afraid. "Eithera will help him..." Kaiko said. Akari nodded,understanding. Ryou looked at both of them. "Eithera?" He asked. Kaiko and Akari both kept silent. Ryou didn't nag and looked at Haruki. He placed a hand on his snout and put his forehead on his scales. "Please Haruki...don't die now....we're suppose to be a family...we're suppose to be...mates" he whispered.

     "Haruki...get up" a voice rang in Haruki's Head. He opened his eye and looked around. All he saw was darkness. He looked at his hands. "How...am I here? Why...am I here? Did I...die?" He asked in a low whisper. "No...you're not dead Haruki. You're in my world." The voice said again. "E-Eithera?" Haruki said. "Yes..it's me Haruki." Eithera growled. "Why am I here?" Haruki asked. "I'm keeping you alive....you need to get up Haruki."  Eithera whispered. "Why...I'm a monster...they're better off without me..." Haruki mumbled. "Listen Haruki." Eithera whispered. Haruki went silent as he thought he heard voices. 

     "Haruki,get up son,I'm sorry for everything I said..." Kaiko's voice echoed off the walls. "Dad?" Haruki whispered. "Please Haruki...I cant live without my big brother..." Akari whispered. Akari...dad.. "Haruki...get up please....we're suppose to be together forever..." Ryou said softly. Ryou!? "Get up...they need you.."  Eithera growled. 

     Haruki opened his eye and the bright light from the cave entrance shined in his eye. "Ugh...how am I here?" He asked himself. How am I back here? He touched his right eye and felt a cloth in the way. He got up and winced. "God...i was beat up pretty good.." he says softly. He walked out of the cave and his eyes widen. "Ryou?.." he said softly. 


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