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"Hey, I'm here, sorry," said Madelyn, catching her breath after she arrived at the chilli stand

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"Hey, I'm here, sorry," said Madelyn, catching her breath after she arrived at the chilli stand.

"Where were you? They are about to announce the winner" asked Nate, looking down at the girl.

"I was with Cassie," answered the blonde. Before Nate could say anything else the announcer started talking about the chilli contest, and as expected, Cal Jacobs had won once again. The people at the carnival went to take the family's picture at their stand.

"Come on" said Nate pulling her by the waist towards the area for the picture.

"It's a family picture Nate, I'm not family" she told her.

Mrs. Jacobs looked at her and said "nonsense dear, you are family." And with that the man took their picture, a picture that didn't show that they were broken on the inside, it only showed the perfect family on the outside.

Before the crowd could disperse, and while everyone was still looking at, and filming the Jacobs, Maddy showed up looking angry. "I'm not supposed to be here because I'm dressed like a hooker" the brunette said, "but I just wanted to say congratulations" and with that the Perez girl pushed the big pot of chilli on the floor, "oops" she said with a smirk.

"What the hell is your problem?" Mrs. Jacobs asked, shocked.

Maddy Perez looked her straight in the eye and answered "you, cunt."

Before anything else could be said or done the younger Jacobs dragged Maddy out of the stand and took her somewhere they couldn't be seen. Madelyn was still standing in shock, Mrs. Jacobs was cleaning the mess Maddy made, Cal Jacobs had excused himself to go to the bathroom, and Aaron sat down with a smirk on his face.

"So, are you really friends with her?" Asked Aaron, still smirking.

"Of course she is not" said Mrs. Jacobs, answering for Madelyn. "Maddie could never hang out with a girl like that" the older woman finished.

"Actually" said Madelyn turning towards the Jacobs woman. "I'm friends with her, she is a nice girl and a great friend. She is just upset and having a bad day" this caused Mrs. Jacobs to go quiet and Aaron to smirk even more.

Madelyn helped Mrs. Jacobs clean until Nate showed up again. She looked carefully at him and tried to see if he was still angry, "is everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah" he said, "let's go" and with that he took her to his car.

When they were driving to her house Maddie looked at her friend and said "are you still meeting your 'friend' today?" And Nate just nodded at her. "So when you are done come over, I want to hear all about this mystery person" she said and smiled, which made Nate smile too.

"Yeah, I will," he said. After a couple of minutes they had arrived at the girl's house. "Bye" said the boy.

"Bye babe, I will leave the back door unlocked for you" Madelyn said and entered her house.

Entering her house Maddie noticed that her parents were already in their room, so she didn't bother them. She went to her bathroom and took her makeup off, showered, took her braids off. She walked into her room with a towel wrapped around her body, she took the towel off to dry herself and noticed bruises on her waist and ass where Fezco's hands were. She cursed at herself, she bruises so easily, so those bruises are just new ones added to her collection. She put one of Nate long sleeve shirts and underwear, and with that she laid on her bed watching something random on Netflix, waiting for her best friend to arrive so she could hear all about his new 'friend'


Back to the lakeside, Jules and Nate had just finished their meeting, which didn't end well. The boy was frustrated, walking towards his car when he felt a phone vibrate in his pocket. Taking it out of his pocket he realized that it was Maddie's phone, which she had asked him to hold on to because she didn't have pockets, with all that happened they had both forgotten about it. He put the phone back into his pocket thinking he would just give it back to her when he arrived at her house, but when he sat down on the driver's seat of his car the phone vibrated three more times, annoyed he decided to see who was texting his friend.


Thanks ma, u really helped me relax today.

Wanna come over later? We can hang.

Your underwear is still with me, if u want it.

Nate Jacobs read the texts a total of five times, and when he finally put the phone down he had never felt this angered in his whole life. Nate turned his car on and sped towards Madelyn's house. During his drive his mind was all over the place, 'that had to be a mistake', his best friend could never be with someone like Fezco, 'never' he thought. But his most recurring thought was 'how could she had given herself to him when I have been here all along?' When Nate arrived he went to the back door and stormed into the house, not caring who he would wake up.

Madelyn was on her bed watching Netflix, not knowing her best friend was entering her house on a warpath. She only found out when Nate almost broke down her door when entering her room.

She jumped, scared "what the fuck Nate, you almost gave me a heart attack" she said puting her hand over her heart.

"Do you have anything you want to tell me about?" asked Nate, clenching his jaw, angrier than ever.

"What?" asked a very confused Madelyn, like she had just woken up.

The brunette pulled Maddie's phone out of his pocket, unlocked it and started reading "Thanks ma, u really helped me relax today. Wanna come over later? We can hang. Your underwear is still with me, if u want it" when he said that Madelyn's face fell, "Fezco. You are fucking Fezco?" Nate almost screamed at her.

"Nate, lower your voice, I don't need my parents waking up" she said calmly.

"All that bullshit talk about telling each other everything, and you were fucking mad at me for not telling you what was going on with me. And you hide this from me!!" Nate didn't scream this time, but his words came out like poison.

"Can I explain please?" The blonde asked.

"Yeah, go ahead" he said "explain to me why you are fucking Fezco behind my back, and why you didn't fucking tell me about it. When did this even begin?" He said "is that what you were doing yesterday at the carnival? Cassie my ass."

Madelyn sat on her bed before she started talking, she knew she had to be as calm as possible, not to aggravate Nate and wake up her parents. "It started when you asked me to get you stuff right when the summer started," Nate was going to say something, but she interrupted him before he could start talking. "I was going to tell you about it yesterday, but then you interrupted me saying that if someone touched me you would kill them, so I got scared, okay" the girl finished.

The brunette's face fell, "you were scared of me? I would never do anything to you" the boy sounded hurt.

"No Nate, I'm not scared of you, but I do know you, I just didn't want you to fight with Fezco okay" she said, looking up at his face.

"Of course I would have fought him, you know why?" he raised his voice again, staring her in the eye and gesturing with his hands. "Because you are mine, and that drug dealer should have never put his fucking filthy hands on you. How could you let him fuck you?!"

Madelyn's face was blank after hearing this, she knew how her friend was, but she had never expected this, maybe she was just fooling herself all along.

She never took her eyes out of Nate's, she pointed to the door and said "leave" and Nate knew that nothing he could say right now would make it better so he started to walk away. When he was at her room's door Madelyn said "Nate" and he turned around "if you do or say anything, or even come close to Fezco you can forget I exist, because I will forget you do." And that was the worst thing Madelyn could have threatened Nate Jacobs with.

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