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Madelyn was sitting in her room watching Teen Wolf with her dog, when someone knocked on her door

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Madelyn was sitting in her room watching Teen Wolf with her dog, when someone knocked on her door. "Come in" she screamed. When the door opened she was surprised, Maddy Perez walked in her room. Even Ares lifted his head to look at the stranger.

"I need your help" Maddy said and sat on Madelyn's bed as if they were best friends and she did that often.

"With..." Madelyn said.

"Nate" completed Maddy, Madelyn looked at her indicating for her to continue. "I got pissed off because he wouldn't stop getting texts so I went through his phone and I saw some pictures"

Before Maddy could continue the blonde interrupted her and said "the dick pics".

"Wait, you knew about them?" the brunette asked confused.

"I saw them by accident yesterday," Mads explained.

"Look, I know you don't like me, but I don't know what to do, and you're his best friend, so you're like the only person that can help me" Maddy said, and she looked at the blonde with hope in her eyes.

Madelyn laughed and said "Maddy I don't hate you, I just don't like you and Nate together because you guys are not good for each other. Plus you are the one that acts like you hate me."

"I don't hate you, I just like, get frustrated because Nate is like obsessed with you. It's hard when your boyfriend is obsessed with his best friend" Maddy said honestly.

"So you are jealous?" Madelyn laughed and asked.

"Bitch, shut up" Maddy laughed with the blonde.

"But back to the problem, I honestly don't know what to do. I confronted him yesterday and he screamed at him, so i got mad and left. Our problem is Nate thinks he is straight as a pole, and I think he doesn't want to be gay. I honestly think it's going to be a pain to convince him it's okay that he likes dick" Madelyn said, laying back down on her bed.

"We are fucked" Maddy said and threw herself at Madelyn's bed.


"That night Maddy and Madelyn talked all night, they talked about things away beyond Nate, so it was safe to say they were friends now. But it's also safe to say no one expected that, shit I didn't expect that. So they shocked a lot of people next day in school"

Next morning Madelyn was feeling conflicted, she was happy she finally got along with Maddy, but she hated that she wasn't talking to Nate, who since their fight had been blowing up her phone. She wore a yellow plaid skirt, a black long sleeve crop top with buttons in front, and her white air forces 1, she put her hair on a loose bun and went to school. Usually Nate would drive Maddy and Madelyn to school, but seen as Maddy was too freaked out and Madelyn was still mad, the blonde offered to pick up Maddy and drive her to school, to which the Perez girl happily agreed.

Maddie picked up the brunette and was now parking her car in the school parking lot. The pair walked inside of school holding hands, everyone stared at them with shock, including Nate, who Madelyn stared down while passing through him. The girls were chatting by Madelyn's locker when someone ran towards them.

"Yo what the fuck?!" Said Cassie laughing and smiling looking between the two girls.

"We found out yesterday that we have some things in common" said Madelyn laughing.

"Yeah, we have like a lot in common," said Maddy.

"It's a miracle," said Cassie, putting her arms in the air and then putting them around each girl's neck.

"What the fuck..." said Madelyn looking behind them, seeing Kat walking in a complete new outfit. Both Cassie and Maddy looked at where Madelyn was looking and had and their faces changed into a shocked expression.

"Good for her," said Cassie, looking at all the confidence her friend was showing.

The three girls walked in different directions towards their classes. When Madelyn walked into her class and sat down besides Jules, the only interesting person in that class.

"Hi Mads, I like your skirt" said Jules pointing at it.

"Thanks Jules, we match now," said Madelyn referring to Jules' blue plaid skirt. "How have you been?"

"I'm great, I have been talking to someone" Jules said blushing.

"Ooooh Jules! Tell me about them" said Madelyn, interested.


"What about this one?" asked Maddy about the third dress she tried on.

Cassie rolled her eyes and said "this one looks good too, Maddy."

"Word" was all Madeyn said, she was too focused on her phone.

"Who have you been texting?" said Cassie smirking.

"Fez" was all Madelyn said.

"Wait Fez, like Fezco, like the drug dealer?" asked Maddy interested now.

"Yeah, that one, he is my friend" Mads answered.

"Sure, just friends," said Maddy, smirking and mocking her, and making Madelyn blushed.

"Oh my God you guys are totally fucking" said Cassie gasping.

At this point Madelyn was as red as a tomato "maybe...'
"Bitch what the fuck, I want to hear all about!" screamed Maddy. The girls walked around the mall with Madelyn telling them all about hers and Fezco's 'thing' as they called it.

For the rest of the day the girls talked and walked around the mall, Madelyn getting to know everything about Maddy and Cassie, and the both getting to know Madelyn. By the end of the day it was like the girls knew each other for years chatting like they did that everyday. And it's safe to say that was one of the best days in the life of the three girls.


Madelyn got home around 8pm and she was greeted by her dog, her dad was in the kitchen making dinner and her mom was on the couch watching some cooking TV show. "I really don't know why you watch those, mom, you can't cook," said Madelyn laughing.

Her mother looked at her offended and said "excuse me, it's still entertaining. This is why you put children in the world, they mock you"

"Where were you Maddie?" her dad asked from the kitchen.

"I was with Cassie and Maddy at the mall" she answered petting Ares.

Her mom looked surprised and asked "Maddy like Nate's Maddy?" and Madelyn nodded. "I thought you guys didn't like each other," her mom said.

"Well, turns out she was jealous and I thought she hated me, but we worked it out and we are friends now" Madelyn said.

"That's great Maddie. Now dinner is ready" said her father.

After eating and doing everything she had to do, Maddie laid in her bed with Ares before going to sleep. She laid there just thinking about the day she had, it was the first time in a long time that Madelyn spent the day with girl friends, and she never realized how much she missed it. So before going to bed, she wrote all about her day in her journal.


Author's Note:

I wanted a chapter to develop Madelyn's friendship with Maddy and Cassie. Also, I feel like the chapter's are a little small so I will try to make them bigger.

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