Goodbye pt 2

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Date written:3/29/15
Date edited:4/5/15
Number of words:1117

Chapter 32: Goodbye pt 2

Once we were in another room, I pushed her on the couch and I sat beside her.

'Looks like the Cynthia girl talk mode came to me...'

Once she was ready she spoke up with a smirk.

"So you thought you would get away from me?" She asked as she stood up and held a knife which she took out of her purse she was carrying. She then stopped and she broke into tears.

'I wasnt expecting her to cry.....'

"H-Hey, are you alright?" I ask as I kicked the knife away from her.

"I- I cant do it! I cant hurt someone! They should know that!" She said sobbing so hard and not stopping and if she doesn't I might drown in her tears.

I hugged her trying to calm her down. she stopped crying but you could hear her whimpering and shaking.

"Deep breathes, please. In, out." I whisper in her ear.

*~2 hours of sniffing and crying later(spongebob narrator voice)~*

"Can you please tell me who sent you to kill me?" I asked the girl that was wiping off the tear stains off her cheeks.

"N-No, they'll k-kill me...." She said in a whisper.

"No one will kill no one. Just tell me who sent you and I'll explain to the police about the situation." I say trying to calm the girl down.

"I-It was Jacob and Lily...." She whispered quietly.

'J-Jacob my ex? Wasn't he dead? Or so I thought till now.... Lily the slut was her name. She took always tired to take any boyfriend I have but I heard that they both died in an accident 2 years ago. Jacob and Lily were perfect for each other, Lily was murderous, if she didn't get what she wants, she would rob or pay someone to act like they're dead and good to paradise with a different identity. Jacob was a overprotective boyfriend. He would beat me if I came home 3 minutes late from what I said, or he would beat me for fun. I was glad to hear they were dead but now.... I don't know how to take this problem now.

"Ok. Thank you......."

"Emily. Emily Teri." She said wiping away her tears.

"Here, l-let me help you." I say grabbing my handkerchief from my purse and wiping off the makeup that was smudged everywhere on her face.

"Thanks. Anyway.... I accidentally brought someone with me...." Emily said looking at the ground.

"Who? Maybe we can find that person." I answered as I stood up and helped her stand up.

"W-well it depends what time it is......" Emily said looking straight at me before looking around for the time.

I reached out for my phone and saw the time.


' long are these masquerade parties?'

"Its 11:45.Why does the time matter?" I ask questionably.

"Jacob came and left. But when he came he tied a girl named Azlen on a clock tower thats in the middle of the city." Emily says honestly as she opened the door but I closed it again.

"What happens when the clock strikes at 12:00?" I ask narrowing my eyes at her. Even though she had nothing to do with this I still wanted to know what would happen when the clock strikes at midnight.

"Well..... She has a rope tied to her waist. And when the clock strikes at 12:00 the big hand will meet with the small hand and it will cut the rope and she will fall from a 19 meter clock tower." Emily confesses as she opened the door again.

"Wait we need the proper attire." I say as I grabbed her hand and smirked.


We were both wearing a cosplay outfit from a prince with matching hair! I cant believe it! Im Joshua for a day! Emily way dressed as Keith. We were both walking down the halls of Nobel Michel until we heard six voices which I know who they belonged to.....the princes.

"Hey! You commoner! Wait a second!" I heard Keith shout at me and I stopped in my tracks, so did Emily.

"What gives you two be dresses as us accomplished?!" Joshua and Keith yell at the same time.

'They remind me of a pair of twins when they're mad..... Oh yea! The Hitachiin twins!'

"Ummm it will accomplished that we can borrow a jet..????" I say turning around and the rest of the princes chuckling except Keith and Joshua. "Ok ok fine! We need to borrow the jet for realizes!" I shout walking off towards where the jets were parked.

"Why do two beautiful Roses like you need to use a jet?" Edward asked as he came in front of the other princes.

"Well lets see what time is it?" Emily asked turning around taking off her Keith's wig.

"Its! I need to go back to Charles!" Edward exclaimed.

When the six princes looked at each other they then looked up to see we were already outside. They followed us and they eyes widen when they saw what was in front of them.....Emily was letting lose the ladder that was in the jet, while Liz was putting on the headphones to begin to fly the plane. The six princes managed to get in the jet but Roberto was hanging off the jet and Joshua and Glenn needed to help him get on.


"All right we are reaching our target." I spoke in a deep voice making Emily chuckle a little since she's the only one that was next to me and pleaded me for her to be copilot.

"Hey! Liz, how are we supposed to do this?!" Wilfred asked half yelled.

"Here! I need someone to hold the plane steady!" I yelled. Roberto came and held the plane as I walked towards the jet's door and opened it.

"Wait! Are you sure you're going to be okay?!" The princes asked as I let the ladder down and I turned to climb down and I nodded a 'yes' as I started climbing down.


Once I was close enough to Az I started to swing back and forth till I was close enough. The clock read 11:59 the smallest hand close to meet the big hand. Then it was as time stopped, the rope that held Az got cut and she fell. I tried to grab her but I fell also I let out a scream and before I closed my eyes I saw the jet falling also.

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