Chapter four

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"My name happens to be Julie, now let me free I need to get home."

Deciding not to let her go, still inside the room in the same chair. He tied her to it with thick rope hands and legs and taped her mouth. He didn't trust her while leaving out, since the first incident with her and her cell phone. He went out the back door that had led to somewhere. Still confused, Julie wished that she was able to move. She would've been climbing out of that window in no time.

She soon fell into a deep sleep, but then was woken by the sound of an animal. She completely thought she was still dreaming, but it was no dream. Standing in front of her was a beast, big and hairy with huge teeth staring at her. She shook with fear, It raised from the floor no longer on all four legs.It was about to attack her, but in came Leo out of nowhere in full vampire mode.

He started banging the beast against the brick walls. The beast fought back throwing Leo with its large paws. Julie eyes became wide as she was witnessing what was happening. Tears begin to roll down her face and she started to tremble. Her trembling lead to her turning pale and her turning pale lead to her passing out. Leo looked over to see her head down with her shoulders bent.

It became the end for the werewolf, Leo's anger was now boiling. He took the beast by it's waist, and compressed it's sides shattering the internal ribs. He then bit the neck of his enemy, bringing the fight to an end.

The beast became human, with blood leaking from its neck. He took his last breath and then there was darkness. Leo set and watched to make sure his job was done. His large fangs dripped with flesh, he took one last look then ran over to Julie. He untied, picked her up and ran off.

He knew of nowhere else to run, but his home where he and his family stayed. He knew that he couldn't leave her here in a cabin in the woods out of it. He cared too much for him to do something like that. He also knew that it wouldn't be long before the Wolf Pack sense their brother's dead body. So he had to hurry before they both became in danger.


"No, you cannot have her here you'll have to take her back to where she came from."

Leo had took still unconscious Julie to his home in another deep woods called Creek Lake. His father wasn't too fond with his decision of bringing a mortal into the family's secret hiding.

"I know father, but look at her she's as pale as us needing blood, unconscious and she looks hopeless."

"Why must you keep bringing shame into this family? Is our kind not good enough for you? Remember what happened to the last mortal you tried to bring here?"

Leo's response was a comeback, he was able to get his father's approval.

"I've never brought Shame into this family, it's all in your head. Our kind is fine but I just want something different. Are you afraid that something might happened to me? And yes the last girl I tried to bring here went missing and never made it back home."

"Okay fine, but let me go and get your mother and see what she has to say about this. Go and lay the girl on the couch."
"Well what do we have here John, she's such a beautiful girl."

Leo's mother was a sweet women pretty with long brown hair and always wore fine jewelry.

"A mortal Candice honey"

"What has happen to her, she doesn't look alright?"

Leo replying back had told both of his parents what had happened. His mother was fine with Julie staying since she used to be mortal herself. After finishing their conversation Leo went and got a sponge and a bucket of water. He cleaned his beautiful hostage, gave her something to wear and brushed her wild wet hair. Then he took her to a secluded bedroom tucked her in and gave her a kiss on the forehead. He then left to clean his own self. He went back into the room and made a comfortable place for him to sleep by the bed. On his way he had felt much guiltiness for kidnapping and putting a girl through hell. Tomorrow he would make it up to her and with that he went to sleep, but with a smile on his face.

Julie woke the next morning freaked out, where was she, she thought. Why was she in such a big fancy bed, with ancient symbols she couldn't understand? What was with her clothes, she was now wearing a white dress. Her hair was dry and brushed thoroughly. Where was she, she got up out the bed and begin to walked tip toeing slowly. She stopped when she seen a sleep Leo out of it. Plus it was the only face she could remember, she remembered nothing about Leo turning or the were wolf.

She had to figure a way out, even if it meant jumping out a window. Which she had seen in a corner along with a clock that told the date and time. According to that it was a Friday, twelve in the afternoon, September the twelve.

She went to go and open a window, but it was sealed locked. She went to the next one beside it she tried and it worked. She looked out and saw that she was over a balcony, and would be able to climb it. She went to go put a leg out and felt herself being pulled back in by Leo.

"No I'm sorry I can't let you go, as bad as I want to, but I just can't."

Julie took his no for a yes and still tried but it was no use so "she gave up".

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