Chapter five

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  What is it that a werewolf wants on a vampire, after it kills one of their own? The answer is always going to be revenge. The Vampires and the Werewolf's have been enemies for centuries going back to ancestors. The feuds between the two always ended in bloody disasters. The two cliques tried once to come together, but that too didn't go so well. So they decided to keep everything as it was. Will there ever be a change?

In human form the pack went out looking for their brother, who had left home at noon and never returned. The word was that he had to get something from a friend. The truth he went vampire hunting that's how he ran into Leo. It was seven brothers, who all have special abilities that came with their strengths they all lived a normal life just like any other person did. They lived on the other side of town with their uncle.

Their names Jacob and Titan Cole, twins who had visions when touching objects and people. They had the sense  that their brother was in trouble when it took him to long to get back. Cameron the revengeful one, he took nothing from nobody, and was the strongest along with the leader of the pack. Stephan, who could see far away almost up to a hundred feet. Brian the second strongest and the fastest of his brothers. Henry the brother who could sense when one of the brothers were in trouble. He had the sense that their brother was in trouble when it took him to long to get back.

The missing brother's name was Keith Cole eighteen and took almost every risk there was. He was curious, never listened and had the hobby of being a perfect lire. Which is why his brothers believed everything he said. After being told to never go out alone and to stick with the pack at all times. Since he had recently learned he can shape shift into a beast and also being the youngest. He caused his own death you might as well can say.

After two hours of searching for Keith he was found in the nearby cabin in the Bay View Forest.

They had examined the hopeless body that laid there in front of them. The pack stood around their dead brother's body, who was injured on the left side of his neck with one set of deep bite wounds. He was also loose at the waist because of his shattered ribs. The sight of seeing their brother dead had them boiling with anger and hatred. They all had the idea of who had done it, a vampire.

Jacob and Titan each ran a hand against the brother's arm and neck and begin to see everything that had happened, when hey came out of their Trans Jacob spoke.

"It was definitely a vampire, but it was quite hard to see his face, he wears all black though. Oh and there was a girl in the corner, she passed out in the middle of the fight."

After the viewing of their brother's body they took him to a field, dug a ditch and buried him. Said their last good-byes and made their way back home, to tell their uncle the sad news, only to get the opposite reaction, of what they were thinking.

Butch Camble Wheeler was the uncle's name. He was in his late forties, stood at about five inches, and four feet. He had pale skin and always gave his honest opinions.

"He deserved what he got, honestly the boy had it coming for'em, he was so hardheaded. No need to fight no vamps over his foolishness. We told him everything and he just crushed it the palms of his hands made ashes and blew it in the wind."

"It's not fair I'm going to"....

"Ya not going to do anything and the same goes for the rest of you."

Cameron wanted revenge, he just had to get it. He had heard what his uncle was saying, but he didn't care.  He waited until dawn when he knew everyone would be asleep. He left out into the night changed his form and started his search for a vampire. Not just any vamp but the one who killed his brother.

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