Chapter thirthteen

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The Knight's and the Coleman's had finally got all the other vamps together. It was up to Leo and Chelsea, who had to go out secretly and let the others know what was about to happen for the next few days. Everyone now stood in the Knight's living area, everyone voicing their opinions. Some thought that they should leave what's happening alone and put it behind them. While others wanted to fight even if it meant death. They wouldn't be able to take anything else from those wolves. While that was going on Julie, Leo and Chelsea had crept off leaving everyone in the debate. They were too wrapped up in their own words to even pay attention to anything that was happening. The three had went off to the garage next to the house.

"My ears feel so much better now" Julie exclaimed as she rubbed both of her ear lobes.

Before she knew it, she was grabbed by Leo, who had snatched her by the waist, turned her around and pulled her into a kiss. They went at it for a while, until Chelsea instructed them to stop. All of this was new to her too, a vampire and a mortal. She had always thought what it would be like, but she never knew she would actually be witnessing it. She was getting a little uncomfortable with the kissing and hugging they were doing.

"You two need to stop, I'm getting a little uncomfortable".

   We're sorry right, Julie had asked Leo who seemed to not care about what Chelsea had said. Julie tap him on the shoulder "right"? Yeah, right, he replied back. They stayed in the garage for about twenty minutes before they made their way back inside. No one still had notice them when they had crept back in. Everyone was still wrapped up into giving their opinions and debating about what would work or not if they were to continue the plan, which they were. However Mr. and Mrs. Knight didn't warn the others that their was a human living inside their home.

Everyone was surprised when they had seen Julie standing in between Leo and Chelsea. She became instantly frighten by the dirty looks she was getting. She was thinking about making a run for it, but Leo grabbed her hand and had warned her not to. He instructed Chelsea to walk her to her room, until everything was settle and until everyone were informed and caught up.

"Your lucky we can control ourselves, because that girl in there would have been dead right now if we couldn't "One spoke,His name Jason.

Tomorrow would be the start of the Knights plan against the wolves. With Julie around, the others thought that she would be a weakness to what they were about to try and accomplish. She would also be a weakness to Leo,who would probably put himself before her. Her life would only be in his hands. They stood babbling on until, they were cut off by Leo he was tired of everybody yelling over one another. Also talking about the girl he's falling in love with mad him more angry just thinking about it. He knew what he was capable of, and he would do any and everything he had to do to protect him, her and the others. He couldn't believe how everyone was acting and to have his parents just setting saying nothing had him trudge with anger.

"Everybody just stop!This has gone on for way too long and I can't take this anymore. What is wrong with everyone, you all are letting one little problem stop us from what we are suppose to be doing it doesn't makes any sense. Yes there is a mortal living here and yes I like her, just for once I need everyone to side with me on this one. I won't let any one down in a situation like this" and I'm sure you guys wouldn't either".

Everyone stared at him with blank faces before they could finally side with him. "You have my support we are all sorry,all of this just happen so fast and we have to get used to that girl being around that's if she lives" Jason exclaimed. She will live Leo had replied back, he had started to calm down and then his tone had finally went back to normal. When everything was put into order the others had left and went back to their places and would return at noon the next day.


It was the day the fight was going to happen and everyone was waiting and ready. Julie couldn't get any sleep, she had stayed up all night after what happen yesterday. She was scared like she was before, after finding out she was kidnapped by a vampire. She had tried to go to sleep last night, but it was hard knowing that she would be witnessing a fight later on today. She had woke up to the sound of chattering coming from the living area. Julie had got up and crept to the bathroom only to find that someone was in their. It was girl with long hair, that stopped at her back. She was washing her hands, from what Julie could see, it looked as if she had just finished drinking some blood.

The girl turned around and when she notice Julie standing their she came off nice, but was abrupt. "Hi I'm Elizabeth, and I know who you are. What's your thing with him anyway"? I'm sorry is all Julie could say before she tried to make a run for it, but Elizabeth had beat her to the door closing it shut. "Listen you mortal, I know Leo, more than you do and I would do anything to have your spot. I have been trying to get his attention for a while and now I know why, you stay away for him or I'll take you away, like the last mortal girl he tried to love. Julie was stuck in the moment and shook her head to show that she understood, good I like you already Elizabeth said opening up the door and walking out and then closing it behind her.

Julie started to cry, her heart was pounding, she couldn't take what was going on. She missed her regular life her friend, who she now knows is a vampire. Her dad, mom and even Greg, they must have been worried sick about her and it made her sad every time she had thought about them. After she finished her business she made her way back to her room, and went into the thought of what happen to the last mortal girl who dated Leo. She was put out her train of thought when their was a knock at the door, before it opened. It was Leo, she had jumped and looked a little freaked out when she seen him. She put her head down at the sight of him walking over and to cover up her puffy red face. Are you ready for today he asked her, she was unable to respond due to what she had experienced minutes ago. Not getting a answer he knew right away that something was wrong, he could feel it. What's the matter he asked her, and noticing her face. lifting her head up to face him she replied you...

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