Chapter fifthteen

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The vamps along with Julie made their way to the start of their plan. Julie was on Leo's back while they ran at full speed into the open woods. It didn't take long for the plan to fail, they were spotted by one of the wolves who was out alone. He had made his way back to the safe house to warn the others of the unwelcome company.

Already in change form the Wolves stood their ground before they came in contact with their enemies. Felix had stood in front of everyone like he had mention, he along with Uncle Butch never had transformed. However Felix doing the talking didn't work, he was attacked by Leo who was still in the mood of being angry. Caused Felix to rapidly change the two started to rumble colliding into one another with force.

It didn't take long for the others to jump in and defend their member from each side. They fought with strength and power. All of this was so unreal to Julie, Leo had forgot about her along with the others who were in fight and to see her best friend in action. Was something she had imagine, but nothing like this. "Why am I not afraid?" She thought, she was taking the moment in. Her first real Vampire and Werewolves fight up close and not on television featuring her friend. But something else came to her mind, the thought of her family. She knew mostly how her dad would act after losing someone. Like after her mother found in love with Greg. Frank went all out of his way to try to get her back. Julie was sure he was doing the same for her. She suddenly got a idea to make a run for it, she would sneak away. But not to fast, because of the fear or being caught.

She slowly crept back until she made her way to a nearby tree where she hurried to stand behind it. She continued this until she thought she was far enough to make a run for it. She didn't know where she was, but would find her way in the long run, since she was good with direction. Just as she was about to start running Julie was tackled to the ground. She tried to fight but the person was way to strong for her and had her arms were pinned onto the forest grass. She went to go and turn her head. When  she had seen who it was she shook her head in shock. It was somebody she knew for years. He stared at her with much lust into his eyes and he was calm.

"Marshall what are you doing here?"

"No Julie the question is what are doing here?"

"It doesn't matter I was just on my way home before you tackled me, and ow your crushing me now let me go."

"If I let you go, promise me that you won"t run."

"I promise."

Marshall put his hand out to let Julie up, but she resisted and got up on her own, she dusted her self off. Julie thought that she must have been close to home since she's standing in front of the annoying Marshall brown who looked surprisingly good without a shirt. Julie had never notice how good looking he was, because she was always busy fussing at him for agitating her.

So why are you here Marshall asked, It's a long story is all Julie could say, because she had her mind on something else and hers eyes on something too. "You like something you see" Marshall asked as he chuckled when he caught her staring at his bold chest. No, just thinking Julie said embarrassed at getting caught. "Thinking about telling me why your here now". I said it's a long story,Julie exclaimed sounding annoyed. "Come on I won't bite, unless you want me too" Marshall smiled. Okay I'm here with Vampires and they are back fighting with werewolves Julie replied huffing her breathe. Like this Marshall replied before he Changed right before Julie's eyes causing her to mouth the words not again. Marshall dropped his head in the direction back to the sight then begin to walk off. Julie quickly understood and followed after him.


At the sight the two groups had stopped, but they were eyeing one another. Cuts and bruises but no one wasn't dead. When Julie and Marshall arrived back at the scene, both sides were surprised. Marshall growled to show that the girl he was with was with him. He had got a growl back from Titan. "She was the girl with our killer." Retreat he growled back, all of this is a big misunderstanding." "Back" Uncle Butch yelled. The others turned and backed away , leaving the vamps standing. Marshall looked back to see if Julie would follow but, he seen that she had already made her mind. She stood along side Leo, she had mouth the words sorry. He howled before he ran off to catch up with the others.

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