Chapter six

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Cameron Cole, knew that he couldn't return home. The fact of facing his brothers and uncle, he knew what he was up for. Waking up and not finding him in his room would escalate problems between them. Being revengeful took a toll on him.

He went and told all the other descendants of wolves what happened switching the story up. Instead of his brother being the hunter, he put the blame on the vampires. Saying that they set out to find one of them and Keith happened to be the one. He was dragged into the Bay View Forest where he was beaten and then killed. Everyone stared in anger, others with blank faces but had their hands clenched into fists. However some still had their doubts.

They asked was he sure, and he mention Henry's name. When he did they were under the impression that he was telling the truth but they still doubted him. They also asked him what had happened to his arm. He explained to them that he was hit by a police car and was in transformation at the time. He was then caught of God when asked the question, what his uncles and brother thought? He had set for a minute before he answered, then he spoke.

"They know I'm here, uncle Butch sent me."

They were finally sure that he was telling the truth. Then they came up with the idea, for the next couple of days they would hunt, fight and kill almost every vampire. The plan would start by finding a vamp as bate to get the others to come. Then they'll fight where they will find the Specter, who killed their family member. The only thing they had to do is find a bating spot somewhere in the fields. Where they can wait and not be notice by anyone.


After all his lying, Cameron decided he would set out to go home, but he wasn't sure. So on his way he thought of a lie to tell to his uncle and brothers. He came up with the perfect lie, to tell them that he went to his dead brothers' grave site. So that he could get some relief.

He got home at noon, going to unlock the door, he was stopped by someone. Who had given him information about what would happen to him and everyone else if he let everything go down. He laughed and told the person to leave and never return to the site. When he walked into the house he was approached by his uncle.

"Who was that and where have you been?"

"No one, some person war... just forget it and I went to the grave site to mourn over my brother."

Butch had the feeling that his nephew was lying because he looked a little to relieve than his brothers. He knew whatever Cameron was up to, he was in no shape to fight anyone. He had to stop his brother's child from whatever he was getting ready to do.

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