Chapter nine

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 "What a Vampire!"

Julie couldn't believe what she had just heard. Her kidnapper and his family are Vampires. No wonder he was able to catch up with her fast, when she was trying to get away. His strength, and color changing eyes. It her all at once and then came the fight she had witnessed before she passed out in the middle of. The guy she had thought was a major loser, had saved her life.

They were in a black van driving where they could hide from the Wolves. She and Leo were in the back while Mr. and Mrs. Knight were in the front, with Mr. Knight driving. Julie look over at Leo who was already staring at her. As their eyes met, she whispered "thank you" with a slight smile. Leo was surprised to see the girl, who was uptight a week ago and today was smiling. But what was she saying thank you for. So he just told her that she was welcomed.

Leo tapped his mother's shoulder "what about the Coleman's?"

"They'll be fine, we all thought that it's only right that we split up, and that Chelsea of theirs is a handful anyway."

Julie's ears must have been playing tricks on her it couldn't be, it just couldn't be. Her best friend a Vampire, it all made since now. Chelsea's look in her eyes, her always being home sick, pale and disliking the sun. All this time she had been friends with a vampire. No wonder why her parents were never home. These vampires are nothing like the movies she had watched along with her best friend, who always found that they were funny.

These Vampires were actually good, besides all the things they were about to go through. Trying to save their lives and hers. Maybe getting abducted was actually a good thing she thought while staring out the window. She wouldn't have never found out about her best friend's secret and would never found someone as cute as Leo.

No, what was she thinking, she started smacking herself upside her head to get the crazy thoughts out of her head she was thinking. Leo looked over confused along with his mother who looked back. Her expression was calm, Julie had stopped and apologized and said that she was having crazy thoughts. But she couldn't believe it, she was falling for her kidnapper, soon she fell asleep during the drive.

"Wake up sleepy head, we have reached our destination."

Leo shook Julie until she woke from her slumber. "I'm up, you can stop shaking me now", she said stretching while opening up her eyes.

"Listen, there is only two bedrooms in this place, so that means you have to share with me."

"It's fine with me" Julie said. Oh my god, what did I just say she thought as Leo lead her up a trail towards the house. When they walked inside the place, there were three rooms, a front room, kitchen bathroom, and the walls were brown. Julie rolled her eyes "you're a liar" she said while hitting Leo in his left arm.

"Yeah ha-ha thanks, he replied, that's what I do best."

"No, your best is at kidnapping me, but you better be glad I'm enjoying this little adventure".

"Let's go and get settle and then we'll talk later"

"Okay, Julie said walking away towards a room.

Later on that night Julie had took a shower, got dressed and then went to visit Leo in his room. She knock on the door, he opened it with a smile along with his shirt off. You like what you see, he asked with a sly smile. She rolled her eyes and took a deep breathe then, ask did she have any more human food, because she was hungry. Yeah he said in the fridge. She walked away, telling him to put a shirt on. She knew she had enjoyed his little chest flashing show, but she was down with his little shenanigans.

She went into the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator, she spotted pints of blood in jars. Ewe, blood she shook the feeling away. She had found a burger that she couldn't warm up, so she ate it cold, and poured a glass of milk that she gulped down after eating.

When Julie went back to Leo's room, he was a sleep. He had felt her presence and told her to stay, but she refused. "Good night Mr. Knight" as she made her way out to her room. Thinking about the next days that will come. Home is where she defiantly didn't want to be right now. Being free from her dad actually felt good. Then she soon fell into a deep sleep.

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