Chapter Fourteen

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" You can't just give up on her like that, give it another week."

"It's over Frank your daughter is gone."

"Come on Chief she's all I got, she's probably out their right now waiting for me to rescue her."

"Rescue her!, Frank you barely found any evidence after that little stunt you pulled, not calling for back up. We're closing the case"....

Just like that it was all over Frank was let down by his boss. After turning in the evidence their was nothing that they could do with it. How was he going to break the news to Teresa and Greg? They had been counting on him, he even gave them his word. It made him feel less of a man and the feeling of being a bad father. He should've just gave her a ride home the night Julie went missing. He made his job more important than her safety. Frank was now in the phase of blaming himself.

He left the station with his shoulders up and with his held high, but went he got into his work car he broke down and cried. He cried like a baby, he screamed and banged his arm rest. He then, uncontrollably banged the steering wheel making the horn go off repeatedly. He soon had caused a scene, his colleagues came running out to see what was going on. Seeing Frank lose it, had some in awe while the others wanted to stop him. But the chief consisted that they let him be.

"No he's been through enough let him, he needs to let his anger out. The man have been holding it in since the night his daughter went missing.".Some had stayed out to watch the poor man while he continued to go at his wheel, while the others made their way inside. Frank continued his episode until he sped off.


The wolf pack stood with each and every member of the group in their safe house. They were waiting for their rival to show. Felix had saw a fight happen between the two factions. So he warned Butch and told his sons. With Felix being around the brothers took it hard since most of them favorite their dead mother. It was hard to except him by resemblance. There were many questions that had to asked. But, right now they had to put that behind them. Right now they were getting ready for the matter of life or death.

No one knew what to expect, but what they did know is that they had to watch their surroundings. Going out by themselves was another thing the pack had to watch out for. No one was expected to go out alone. Uncle Butch, set and watch how everyone was interacting with one another. He thought after what Cameron did would have teared the pack apart and they wouldn't forgive him or not. Family is family he thought as he was snapped out of his thoughts by a certain someone.

This kid was someone that he hated as a friend but loved as family. The kid annoyance level was very high. The kid was always up to something, that the word stop never seemed to play in his mind. But the kid new when to be serious. The kid snapped his fingers and waved them in Uncle Butch's face almost touching his lip.

"What do you want?"

"I want to know,why the lazy face old man"

"You get away from me and let me have a talk with Felix."

"You got it Uncle B."

The kid walked away to join the others, what was that all about Felix asked. Nothing just that weird boy, Butch replied back.

"How are we going to stop the fight Butch."

"I don't know Felix, but we have to let them see what would happen to us, if the fight does happen."

"And is that so? Don't you think that they are willing to fight no matter what?"

"I'll talk to them, when the time comes, I'll let them know everything."

"No they might kill you."

"Trust me I got this, and if at least I died trying."

"Your word is mine"...

   Back at the Knight's Leo wasn't in much of the mood to fight. He had still been wandering what was wrong with Julie. She had jumped when he walked into her room, her crying and him being the main source. He could understand some stuff like her being scared, and him being the one that got her into his mess. But, what else happen? She was just fine yesterday he thought as he paced back and forth in the living area. In walked Jason, with a concerned look upon his face. Leo had never acted in such a way, and he had a good reason why. Leo was too lost in his thoughts to hear  anybody walk in, not until Jason spoke.

   "It's about that girl isn't it"? Leo gave Jason a hard long stare that said it wasn't the time for a argument. Jason got the memo stopped and directed the others to come along while he let Mr. and Mrs. Knight to know about their arrival.While the others left to walk to the back one decided to stay, Elizabeth. She decided to make her move on Leo. She walked over to him to where he was standing and massaged his shoulders. She then whispered in his ear, your little girlfriend can't handle Vampires. Why be with her when you can be with someone a little bit more in your category. Leo turned to her, he replied back in his softest voice. "I don't love you like I love her". Well let me show you, she said graving Leo into a kiss. They both jumped to the sound of a slamming door, Leo had knew exactly who it was. He got out of Elizabeth's grip and ran's to Julie's door. Elizabeth set down cross her arms in anger and screamed in frustration. That caused the others to come running out in alarm.

   What is wrong with you Jason exclaimed. Why don't you go and ask Leo he's the one with the problem. Where is he anyway Jason asked still angry. Elizabeth pointed in the directions of the rooms, human she muttered. The door to Julie's room suddenly swung open, out walked a angry Leo with color red eyes and fangs low. He was breathing heavy, everyone watch as he search around the room finding who he was looking for. He graved her by her neck and pulled her from the sofa throwing her up against the wall making her fall to the floor in pain while gasping for air. She put her hands up in surrender. "You stay away from her, she did nothing to you.I don't love you like I love her Elizabeth, you're selfish. You can't have everything go your way. And why would you tell her about Alana I wasn't ready to let her know.".Everyone watched, no one knew not to go against their prince when he was mad like this.

   He hit her in her face one last time causing her mouth to bleed. Then he looked back and made eye contact with Jason. I'll deal with you later, now everyone come on we have work to do he instructed. him being angry had him in the feeling now to fight, and nothing matter to him at the moment. he was going to get his anger out somehow...

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