Chapter ten

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 It's funny how a girl being kidnapped by a Vampire eager to go home, soon enjoys her stay. Or a person starting a feud with one dirty lie. The wolf pack had finally started their search for their victim. Lead by the one and only Cameron, they had split up into  groups searching everywhere. That's when the Coleman's were spotted coming from out of their home. They were ambushed and put up a fight before they were thrown into the back of a van.

Chelsea and her parents were held in captivity at the wolves ground site, seemed to them that their place would be easier to locate than a field. The Coleman's were chained to one single wall, with the pack trying to get information out of them, but they said nothing and gave no hints. There were slaps in the faces that left bright bruises upon each of the Coleman's faces. They were experiencing a large amount of brutality. Getting struck multiple times, along with strong blows to the chest and stomach.

Chelsea took every hit with blood running down from her swollen busted lip, bruised eye and scratch cheeks. She had wished she could've helped her mother and father, they were getting the worse and weren't taking the beating to well. But that did not stop them from letting the secret go of where the other vamps in town were settle out to be.

"I'm not telling you anything", Mrs. Coleman was struck in her face again.

"You keep your hands off my wife" or you'll what Cameron replied back.

"Kick your butt once we are out of here", Chelsea had blurted out.

"You're cute and I can sense that you're afraid"

"You go to hell!"

He snickered, "Seems like I'm already in it."

This went on for a while, until Cameron directed the others to stop. Since he wasn't getting anything out of them. He wasn't killing anyone and he believed his victims have had enough from their bleeding wounds. They were his bate and killing his bate would not get him the delinquent that murdered his brother. Lost in his thoughts there was a knock at the door, he opened and was surprised to see his uncle along with the man that tried to talk to him.

"Stop this Cameron you're better than this, you're making a big mistake" Uncle Butch exclaimed.

"No I'm sorry I cannot, I have already came too far and I have to finish what I have started and why did you bring that crazy man with you. He's the one who tried talking to me."Felix couldn't help himself, he had to let Cameron know that he is his father

"Because I'm your father"

"That's a lie I've never known my father."

"Look at him" Butch had jumped in, "look deep into his eyes Cameron."

Cameron stared the man deep into his face, until he transformed, running through his uncle and the man he couldn't believe was his father. "Let him go" Butch said in his softest voice. The pack let the Coleman's free everyone watched as they scattered away. I have to tell you all something Butch exclaimed. He and Felix explained to them about what was going on, which lead everyone to feel guilty about what they had just done.

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