Chapter 27- The Grievers.

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2 weeks later-

It has been now 2 weeks since all the runners had gotten together for the first time, it turned out that the Maze repeats the formations every week, so no we just need the code. We have mapped all sections at least 12 times and we are ready to find a code, but first, we need to get to the exit. So today, it is Minho and I who will go run The Maze and find the exit that is in section 8.
There is still 1 hour before the doors open and I will wake Minho up in 30 minutes. I drag myself out of the hammock, silently, sure not to wake up anyone. I walk over to the Home Stead, open the door and get a drink of water.

Thomas? I hear a voice, Simon.

Yeah? I finish the water and walk over to Teresa who is silently sleeping.

The girls here are kind of crazy, this one girl, Brenda she says her name is, she keeps saying she knows me.

She does, and a few of the other girls who still have their memories know you too.

But how? I sit down next to my hammock and lean against the pillar.

You just don't remember them, you might have dreams about them, but you do know them, so you should trust them.

You better be right Tom.

I would not lie to you.

And with that, it went silent. I walk over to where Minho is and wake him up quietly. He frowns and then his expression clears and he jumps onto his feet and walk to the map room silently, I follow. We both out our gear on, grab our bags and put some water and an apple and sandwich in and walk to the west door. The loud noise peircing my ears like every other day and all around us, the Gladers wake up, I look over at Minho and he nods. We both bolt into The Maze, cutting the ivy as we go, we go through 4, 6, 7, and finally get to 8, we slow down, the sight is a Maze But I see a glimmering thing and start at it, I run, cutting the ivy and then stop instantly.
The sight is so weird, tree's, large blades, and these animal type things, no bigger then a chicken, but no Grieves in sight, but the sound is of Grievers everywhere. I walk slowly through them and stop as a large shadow forms, I turn to my left and the little chicken type thing is now a Griever. I stand still, unsure of what to do and then I bolt, Minho's eyes widen and he runs out of section 8. as I run, I take small glances behind me, once we are out of section 8, everything goes dead silent. I sink to the floor, having some water and an apple.

Maybe it was only a trick, maybe the exit is somewhere else?

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