Chapter 18- What You Need to Know.

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I know that once we fall asleep, the masks will be put on and we will wake up in the Box with no memories. That's why I am trying to talk to everyone before we go to sleep. The first people to go to bed are the newbies, the only people who are awake right now are The Gladers, Simon and Brenda.

"Simon?" I say quietly.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"After you fall asleep, you won't remember anything about me or anyone else. You will only remember your name, nothing else. You WILL freak out when you wake up in The Box." I tell him and he looks quite scared.

"So. Only my name?" He now has a tiny bit of tears.

"Yeah, it is scary but seeing you and I are twins, we might still have a strong connection, when I was in the Maze the first time, I got memories, but they were in dream form. There is a 99.9% chance you will too. Don't worry, have you been introduced to Grievers?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Well, they are bloody horrible. They sting you, if you get stung, the Med-jacks will give you a serum and you will go through what we all call, 'The Changing'. It is truely awful. It puts you in pain and you get a lot of memories back, after you go though The Changing, you will be back to normal most likely." I pause to catch my breath, "erm- when you get there, I know you won't remember any of this, but your first memory should be this memory. When you get there, and you have to choose your job, DO NOT SAY RUNNER-"

"Why?" He asks me.

"Minho, Ben and I were the runners, and as soon as you get there nothing will be like it was before it. If you go into the Maze, you or the other runner WILL get stung. Ben attacked me and was banished. But remember how Paige said everyone who "died" didn't really die, they are in the Maze. If Ben gets stung again, he will attack me, and be banished." I pause again.

"I don't know much about B, but I do know that A and B are a like, except B is all girls and you will be the first boy. Teresa will be the first girl for the second time in A." I say, I realise Minho, and Teresa are staring at the roof blankly, they are most likely tired.

"I'm tired," I hear Simon say and he lays down on the bed next to mine, soon we are all laying down.

"Love you, Simon. Next time we talk will be through our heads." I say.

"You too," he doses off.

"See you tomorrow guys." I say and everyone else says it too.

Then I fall into a deep sleep.

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