Chapter 9- Minho's drunk.

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I give Teresa a hug while Gally greets Simon. Then we swap, I walk to Simon and hug him instead of doing the hand shake thing.

"You don't remember anything about me, but I remember everything about you," he says smiling at me.

"I know. Wanna trick Minho?" I say but he has a confuse look on his face.

"Who?" He asks.

"That one over there," I say pointing to him, "his name is Minho, the girl next to him is Brenda." I explain.

"Okay, I will text you if they ask anything then." He says nodding and pulling his phone out, he asks for my number to text me with and then he walks to Minho. I walk too but behind the big poster peeking through so I can easily make out what they are saying.

"Hey! Minho!" Simon says walking to him.

"Hey Thomas," Minho says while taking a sip of his drink.

"Thomas? Have you been drinking? I can smell alcohol," Brenda says sniffing.

"Only a little." Simon says.

"So, about Newt," Minho starts and then Simon takes his phone out, "if he IS alive. He couldn't be here could he?" Minho asks.

I send a text to Simon saying 'i don't know, there is a 50, 50 chance.'

"Not sure. It is a 50, 50 chance." Simon says.

"Yeah." Minho says to himself.

"I'm going to find Gally," Simon said walking off back to the bar area. I give him a high five but we miss. We try again a second time, third time and the forth time trying we finally hit each other hand. We all crack up laughing.

But then, Minho and Brenda walk over. They stand still, Minho's mouth open wide, pointing to Simon and I. Not noticing Teresa.

"Long story, short. But we are twins." Simon and I say at the exact same time.

"Uhh?" Minho says.

"And you didn't know. I only found out today I had a twin." I say looking at Teresa who is laughing.

"But how-" he starts but Gally cuts him off.

"I've known all along. Look next to you, Minho" he says Ponting to Teresa.

"Teresa?" He says. He tries to move but he collapse to the floor. Great, he must be drunk.

"Hey, Min." She says waving.

"But. I saw... The wall... It-fell on you." He says taking another drink.

"Oh it did, but Gally here saved my ass." She says punching Gally playfully.

"Oh." Is all Minho said. He stood up and hugged Teresa.

"I know I never really liked you much but I'm so glad your not dead. But Newt still is probably." He stumbles.

"Minho. We don't know if he is." I say.

"You're right. This night is a meant to be a fun and exciting night!" He says running off to the food bar.

"Wow." Simon says laughing.

"I've never seen him like this," Teresa say and everyone agrees with her.

"Let's party then," Gally says holding his cup up.

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