Chapter 3- I Have A Twin?

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Her house was in a different setting, seeing five people live there, her, her mum, Lydia, Haley and Scott. Teresa holding Toms hand going up stairs and Gally following they walked in complete silence, the inside is like Thomas's, but more things in the house, like four televisions, more chairs and more stuff in general.
They stopped at another red door- this one having a sign saying
Teresa's room
Thomas, Teresa and Gally sat down on Teresa's bed to talk, "so you have hid this from everyone for the whole year?" Thomas asked but he knew it was for the best, he guessed. "Well, I wanted to tell you. just didn't know how, because I didn't know how you would react to me not being dead. I was scared..." Teresa's voice was soft, almost like she wanted to cry in that exact moment. "Okay, I get it. But- that whole time you were here, everyone thought you were dead. I cried every night. I had nightmare about the day The Maze wall fell on you. All. Over. Again." Thomas's voice smooth and he was holding back tears. "I know, Tom. But you know now and Gally also didn't want anyone knowing because he killed Chuck, and knew you hated him for that, and then saved me," her voice still soft but slow this time. "WICKED made him, he was under mind control. And if he saved you without WICKED's help, why did he save you?" Now Thomas didn't know how he felt about Gally anymore. "I saved her because I knew you loved her. I knew that you didn't want to lose another friend, first Chuck, ten Newt and I didn't want to see you lose Teresa." Gally's voice seemed calm, "thank you. but when were you planing on telling me?" Thomas tapped his fingers on his knee, "I was going to- next week, because we found your brother he looks like you too and his name is Simon, you are twins. Yours and his birthday is next week, I was going to tell you about Simon and Teresa but obviously you know now," Gally walked out of the room with a half smile on his face. "But why the other Gladers?" Thomas had so many questions to ask, "because they would tell you, and Brenda would definitely tell you. Gally told me about you two," Teresa sad and puts a pillow in her lap. "Brenda and I are only friends, yeah she grabs my hand and I let her but she is only a friend to me- because I have always- loved you..." Thomas didn't believe he just told her how he really felt, "and I couldn't say I love a dead person." Gally walked in the room with three cups of cold water, "I got us some cold special lemon water," he shuts the door with his foot and puts the tray with the cups on Teresa's bedside table. "Thank you, Gal." Thomas said and grabs his cup, "you're welcome," Gally then sat down. "Gally? I just wanted I say, thank you -for saving, Teresa. And I do understand why you didn't tell anyone." Thomas smiled and took a sip of his water and it tasted amazing to him, so sweet he thought. "Tom, my mums name is Joeclyn, my dad is Luke, you have met Lydia and Haley and my bother is Scott. I have a husky, his name is Jaxson." She stood up and yelled through the door, "Jaxy boy!" And about one minute later a beautiful white and black dog ran through the door way, "wow, he is amazing and beautiful." Thomas said and the dog jumped in Teresa's bed and Licked Thomas. "He likes you," Gally said and then Jaxson jumped on Thomas's lap. "So tonight is the big party, celebrating one year since we came here, and I'm guessing you're going?" Teresa asks Thomas, he looks at her and nods, "yes, I am. But I am guessing you are not?" Thomas looked at Gally and smiled. "Actually, I am." Teresa blurted out and Thomas snapped his head around to see her, "really? so, you are going to let the Gladers know about it? and everyone else?" Thomas had a lot of questions but he won't say all of them at once. "Yes, do you want to come with us three, my family and Simon?" Teresa grabbed Thomas's hand and sneezed it. "Yes, so I have a twin brother? named Simon?" Thomas couldn't believe it though. "Yes, he looks like you and his voice is just like your voice." Gally said. "Do you have a picture?" Thomas wanted to see his twin, "yes, just wait it is in my album." Teresa says and stands up and  walks to a set of brown draws and opens the top one. She comes over with a book that has pictures on every page. "Look through these. You will know when you see him." She hands Thomas the book and he flips through them. He saw pictures of Minho, Newt, Gally and other Gladers and then near the end he saw two people, him and Simon. "This was before The Maze." Thomas whispered to himself and right under that picture was him, Simon and a girl, looks proberly 40 years old, "who is this?" he asked and pointed to the lady, "that is your mum, Tom." Teresa says and Thomas looks up, "does Simon live with her?" His mum looks pretty, "uhh, no. After WICKED took you, she found out she had The Flare-she turned into a Crank, Tom. And uhh, died. I'm so sorry, Tom. "Teresa's voice very soft and she went really slow when he spoke. "When she died she gave Simon a note, and told him to give it to you, when you escaped, because she knew you would and he gave it to me about 6 months ago. i was told it was some sort of code." Teresa took the photo book and went to the very last page, the picture was of Teresa, Gally and Simon. She pulled it out and on the back was a note that was tapped there, she took it off and handed it to Thomas. he opened it and it said


"What the hell?" Thomas said, he looked up and Teresa was closer to him now, "we have to solve it. in the Maze to escape the code was

float catch bleed death stiff push

so, this must be just another code, but for what?" Thomas was so confused, "Thomas, it may not be useful, because we aren't with WICKED anymore so i don't know, keep it and find out, Shank." Gally said and walked out.

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