Chapter 17- Anymore Suprises?

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After we looked at the maze and everything in the control room, we had to go back to the bed room. I waited anxiously for Simon to come back so I can talk to him. He, Brenda and the others finally got back, I stood and he came straight to me.

"Why didn't you tell me we had another brother and a sister?" I asked him sitting down.

"I never really knew them, Thomas. They were taken the day you were. And I'm guessing they saved them for another day that they will be useful. Miguel is 2 year younger then us and Cresseda is our age. I never knew any of you well before you were all taken from mum and I. I just hope I remember you, Miguel as Cresseda. Have you seen a picture of her?" He explained.

"No... I have only seen Miguel. He looks like dad."

"Well, Cresseda is our twin. But I never told you or anyone. Not even Teresa or Gally. She looks like us, just a girl us." He explains more. I just sit there, my mouth open wide.

"Oh..." Is all that can come out of my mouth.

"Thomas? It will be okay,-" he starts but I cut him off.

"How is it 'okay'? Mums dead, and all he children are being used as experiments for an evil company called WICKED." I say, then I realise something. "If we are all immune... And mum wasn't. That means... Dad- he WAS immune. Where is he?!"

"Dad... He was taken the day you, Miguel and Cresseda were taken. Haven't seen him since. Maybe he..." he started but I cut him off

"Works with WICKED. Did WICKED take him too? Or other people?" I hope dad is okay.

"WICKED did..." He took a bit to answer me. "He HAS to be here then. Or- he is dead. From when you all blew up WICKED. maybe he survived. Who knows?" He now has a sad look on his face.

"Simon?" I look him in the eyes. And he then looks at me. "I'm sure dad is alive. I know before I said it isn't okay, but right now, we have to believe it is okay. Okay?"

"Yep..." He now has tears. Minho comes over and sit next to me.

"Thomas? Simon? You okay?" He asks us.

"Kinda." We both say at the exact same time.

"Changing the subject, did you guys notice the force field?" I ask them.

"No, where is is?" Simon asks me. I stand up and go to the corner and point.

"Go very close. You'll see through the wall," I point and Simon looks and he backs away quickly. "Ohh. Simon? What was it?"

"I saw... Dad..." He falls on his backside, with his head in hands. "He... He- is here..." He says shaking.

"Simon, calm down." I put my hand on his back, "at least he is alive okay? What was he doing?"

"He- he had a gun pressed against his- his head..." He says, this time when Minho touched him, he freaked out.

"Simon! Calm. They won't kill him, they put a gun to my head, Minho's and Newts. They won't kill him." I explain, "they do it to all of us. Especially Minho and I and we get hand cuffed."

"W-why do they cuff you and have a gun to your head?" He looked up.

"Because. Last time, we made a plan... To escape. And we punched them and they dropped the guns, we ran and escaped. Not for long though." I explained to him "an that's why we get cuffs and a gun to our head. They. WON'T. Kill. Dad. Okay?"


"One more thing... No more family surprises?"

"No more."

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