15: Take Note

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"Well, what did it say?" I ask. Taeyong pulled a crumbled paper from his pocket and unraveled it. He reads the note out loud.

"My son, I hope you understand I'm doing this for us. Who needs friends when you have money, and power? I will let you off the island once you see my ways. If you can convince your friends to help me terrorize the town you can leave the island. Those you can't convince, you must-" Taeyong pauses.

"Must what?" I ask. Taeyong shivers a bit.

"Must..kill." He ends. My mouth is left a gap as I stare at him. His eyes begin to water. "Either join me and live, or don't and you and all your friends will die."

Taeyong crumbles the note once more than throws it as far as he can into the ocean.

"Taeyong, I-" I begin but he cuts me off.

"I swear to you Y/N I will get you off this island safely." He says staring me dead in the eyes. 

"No matter what it takes." He mumbles the last part.

I walk towards the house and hear soft singing coming from the inside. I open the door to reveal Jaehyun singing beautifully. He is singing a song about hope which is nice, I've lost all off that by now.

"Come here Y/N." Jaehyun says signaling me towards him. I sit beside him and he wraps an arm around my shoulder. He goes about singing again, but this time he sways with me in his arms. I softly smile and rest my head on his shoulder.

Johnny and Taeyong remain outside trying to figure things out.

"So if we agree to help your dad hurt people, he'll take us from this island and if we don't, he'll let us die here slowly?" Johnny questions.

"Probably." Taeyong shrugs.

"So what's the plan now, fearless leader." Yuta sarcastically remarks, walking into their conversation.

"I-I don't know." Taeyong responds.

"It's your dad, shouldn't you know-" This came from Johnny.

"I don't know, okay! He's barely ever been a father to me. I don't know how to stop him, or save you guys and I hate it!" Taeyong snaps.

"Sorry," Johnny responds. "We're all just a stressed as you."

"Yeah, I'm to pretty to die." Doyoung jokes and everyone laughs.

"I'm too cute." Jungwoo says, using aegyo.

"I couldn't care less." Yuta shrugs. Everyone gives him a questioning look but brushes it off.

"The sun is setting, I say we rest today and figure the rest out tomorrow." Donghyuck says.

"That's okay for tonight, but we might not have a lot of time before Taeyong's dad tries to pull something again, so first thing tomorrow we'll figure out how to get the heck out of here." Johnny states. Everyone agrees and starts walking towards the house.

When Taeyong walks inside he sees both Y/N and Taeil asleep. Y/N asleep in Jaehyun's arms. He rolls his eyes in irritation and walks out the house.

"Hyung, where are you going?" Mark ask.

"I'm going to sleep outside." He growls, sounding a bit frighting.

And hot.

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