12: Attack

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I walked around the island thinking.

Thinking about home, about food.

Dang I miss Ramen.

I can't believe I'm on a deserted island.

This doesn't just happen to everyone right. Maybe there's a reason I'm here. Yeah, that's it.

My thoughts got cut short as I tripped over something.

"Ow," I say picking myself up. When I stand up again I couldn't help but to notice a huge figure in front of me.

Oh no, it was a large animal.

It almost looked like a...

(Taeyong P.O.V.)


"Was that Y/N?" I ask, I begun to panic.

"We have to help her!" Mark yells.

Both me and Mark immediately start running towards the direction of the scream.

(Y/N P.O.V)

I was standing face to face with a lion and had no idea what to do.

It let's out a loud ROAR and I begin to run.

I sprint in a circle trying to distract it long enough to think of a plan. I see a groups of vines hanging down from a tree. 'I have an idea.'

"Hey, over here!" Mark yells cutting off my thoughts. The lion runs toward the direction of Mark and Taeyong and I rush towards the vines.

The lion goes for Mark, tackling him to the ground and holding his arms above his head. It slowly inches close to the young boy.

I climb the vine and lean against the tree, my feet on a branch.

I then use all my weight and push myself off the tree, swing above the ground. I hold out my legs and kick forward, hitting the body of large animal.

Lucky, the lion gets stunned and collapses.

Once it's down, Taeyong helps Mark up and checks him for any injures.

"Hyung I'm fine, what about Y/N?" Mark says.

The boys look towards me as the vine carries me back towards the tree, my back slamming into the trunk before I fall.

"Y/N!" Taeyong worriedly yells. I quickly stand up and hold my side.

"I'm fine!" I yell, running towards the lion. It shakily gets back on it's feet and I hurry past it. I reach the tree house and grab a fish. "Come and get it." I yell to the lion.

The lion chases me and I run towards the cave the boys found the other day.

I throw the fish in the hole and hide in a dark corner, praying that my plan works.

The lion leaps into the hole, making a large crashing sound as I silently celebrate and exit the cave.

Mark and Taeyong were standing outside, waiting for me. Mark seemed excited and Taeyong had his arms crossed with a bored face, per-usual.

"Y/N, that was so bad-as-" Mark begins but get cut off by Taeyong.

"No cursing." He nags. Me and Mark both laugh and we high five.

"I would love to see the look on that lions face." I tell, amazed by myself at what I'd just pulled,

"Then lets." Mark says, leading me and Taeyong into the cave.

When we enter the cave we see the lion laying on the ground. One of it's arms disconnected from the body.

"Oh shi-" Mark starts, covering my eyes. Taeyong then mumbles something that confuses me even more than the lion situation.

"This is programmed too? Does he know we're here?"

"Taeyong, what are you talking about?" I question, moving Mark's hand. I look at the lion once more to see that the lion's arm was not filled with flesh, but wires.

"Taeyong-hyung, explain." Mark demands.

I was about to agree but instead, I pass out.

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