5: Stranded

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Me and all the boys in NCT 127 gathered in a circle on the shore. Some of their conditions worst than others. As I keep glancing around I realized no one was here on this island other than us. What happened to the rest of the people on the cruise? Taeyong interrupts my thoughts as he begins to speak.

"After the terrible storm yesterday, everyone fell overboard on the ship. When I fell in, I began swimming and noticed this island. I then, dragged y'all here." Me and the boys then began to panic.

"We're on a deserted island?" One said.

"How did a simple cruise turn into this?" Another questioned.

"How are you so calm Taeyong, have you done this before or something"

"I'm panicking, I'm panicking."

"What about my mom?"

"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" That last one was Haechan.

"SHUT UP!" Taeyong yells. "Yes, were not in the best scenario but, what is panicking going to do? Y'all have seen enough island reality shows to get through this. If we what to survive and find help we've got to act fast, any ideas?"

I slowly raised my hand and all the boys looked toward me. 

You know how when you're watching YouTube and you fall asleep on auto-play you end up in the weirdest places? Well I do that a lot and one weird genre I got into was survival or more specially, island survival.

"There are many things we need done quickly. We don't know what the climate will be so we need make a fire before night fall. We also need to make a S.O.S. or 'HELP' sign asap, just encase any planes fly over head. We need shelter, and food. We also need clean water, but most importantly we need to search the perimeter of the island for any boat scraps or stuff the boat could have dropped before they wash away into the ocean." I finished. Everyone looked at me shocked.

"Well you heard her!" Taeyong harshly shouts. "Jungwoo and Y/N, go find sticks for fire. Doyoung, Taeil, and Yuta, start working on that S.O.S. sign. Markhyuck, gather all the food and water you can. Johnny get supplies for small tents. Long sticks, leafs, and vines might work. Jaehyun and I will search for boat remains." We all stare towards Taeyong.

"What are you idiots waiting for move!" Taeyong yells. Everyone quickly gets up and does as they were told.

Me and Jungwoo slowly and cautiously walk towards the woods. We're both supporting each other since we're both slightly injured. I was mad Taeyong put us on this task. We were both pretty weak and we didn't know if there were Natives or wildlife on this island.

"Taeyong is so demanding. Like a leader." I say, starting a conversation.

"He's been like that since I've known him." Jungwoo responds. "Always the first one to step up to the plate. Although, in the past he was a lot less... harsh. Maybe, it's the sheer panic of the current scenario." Jungwoo laughs.

He was right. It was weird how fast we jumped into action. I mean, we just got into a shipwreck and now we were stranded who knows where for who knows how long.

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