14: Fight For Your Right

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(Author's Note: I didn't mean to turn this into a Taeyong X Reader fanfic. It was supposed to be an All X Reader but I guess my inner Taeyongzen jumped out. My bias is Doyoung and Taeyong isn't even one of my main bias wreckers but here we are.) Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

It took some convincing on my part but the boys finally forgave Taeyong. It wasn't us versus him, it was all versus his dad.

We all gathered in the house to devise a plan,

"Taeyong, can't you just ask your dad to send us a boat and get us the heck out of here." Taeil questions.

"As if, he would never help anyone, just hurt." Taeyong replies.

"Wait guys, we're such good builders, why don't we just build a boat." Jungwoo excitedly spoke. Everyone seemed to agree until Taeyong blew it down.

"Yeah, no." Taeyong declares.

"Why not?" I fight back.

"We don't know where to go."

"But maybe we'll find somewhere with people and-"

"It's not safe."

"But if we-"

"If we get lost at sea and one of you falls off the ship I'd never forgive myself. So, no!" Taeyong demands. The room falls silent.

"Do you think he's stopping anyone from saving us? Like telling planes, boats, and helicopter to ignore us?" Jungwoo ask.

"I-I don't know." Taeyong replies. We decide to take a break and step outside for a minute.

I walk towards Johnny and start a conversation.

"Looks like we'll be here for awhile." I say.

"We might have to start repopulating." Johnny speaks, with a wink and an obvious smirk on his face. His comment instantly made my cheeks bright red.

"Yah, enough with that." Taeyong states, setting Johnny straight. Johnny giggles and walks in a different direction from me and Taeyong. It was now just us alone.

"So... Yongie, there's something I'm curious about." I state.

"What's up?"

"Well, awhile ago I found a bottle on the beach with a note in it, I put it by you and never saw it again. I'm curious as to what it said." I finish.

He thinks for a second, then hesitantly answers my question.

"It was from my dad."

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