Chapter 14-Surprise surprise!

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There was a loud thump, and the car stopped. It's over, I thought numbly. My head hit the dashboard. I was getting tired. I knew I was about to pass out. Before I passed out, I swear I heard someone talking to me.

They said, "That's twice now. Better not make this a habit,"

Something touched my forehead, as I passed out. Everything went all black, as I surrendered to the darkness.


I try to open my eyes, but I am blinded. The Lights are too bright. I know from the pain that I am not lucky enough to be dead. Unless whoever it is that is responsible for us wants to torture me for the rest of eternity.

What if there is only one. What if we get tortured by the thing that praises us. Maybe it loves both. When it is in a good mood. It will let you win the lottery. When it is in a bad mood, your house burns down. Maybe I should stop saying what if before things get even worse.

I tried once again to open my eyes. I opened my eyes and realized that I am alone in the room. That is a good thing because I am not in the mood to put up with small talk. I don't even really care about what happened in the car.

That's mostly because I can't remember anything about it. All I remember is that something really bad happened. Something bad enough to put me here. It involved a car too. The rest is a big blank. I don't plan on filling in that big blank. If I fill in the big blank, then my problems find me again. For now I want to remain peaceful. Well as peaceful as one can be hidden in a hospital.

Somehow I always end up in this place. I bet last time isn't as bad as my new injuries. I looked down at my body. I am wearing a faded yellow hospital gown. Below the gown is a big heavy cast on the right leg. I looked up at my arms and saw a small cast on my left hand. Great. That is my writing hand.

"You were lucky," said a nurse that just walked into the room.

The nurse looks like she in her early thirties. She is about five foot three. She is a heavier set lady. Her hair is curly blond. She looks like a type of person who always has a smile on her face in the morning when she gets up.

"Yeah. That's why I keep ending up here," I said.

"Hey, It could have been  a lot  worse. You almost broke a rib. That would mean an extra week in here," she told me.

"Yeah, Now that truly would be a damn tragedy. I don't know how you put up with this place. With all of this stench of death and cleaner in the air," I told her.

She looked at me and paused for a second.

"I have seen a lot of people die. That is true. That being said, it's worth it. I get to help a lot of people. People who can't get out of bed. People who can't even move their head," She explained to me.

This lady seems a lot smarter then I gave her credit for.

"Thanks," I said.

"For what?" she asked

"For doing what you do. A person's job says a lot about who they are," I said

She smiled at me, taken back by my comment. She left the room.

I like people like her. Wanting to make  a difference in the world for no other reason then she just wants to. A lot of people say they want to make a difference to get credit. They don't actually plan on doing anything about it. I call it difference wannabes. Not to sound mean, that's just how I see it.

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