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I was walking  down the street. It was a nice day out and I was admiring the weather. Today would have been a perfect day if it wasn't for the clouds blocking the sun. The sun still managed to peep out of the clouds anyway and caused reflections on store windows that I passed. One of the windows caught my eye. I looked at the window and saw my relection. I made a face at it. I am not self consious about my looks, but my blonde hair was a mess.

In that window I saw a girl about five foot five. She has a nice figure, but nothing out of the ordinary. Her long silky blond hair is blowing in the wind. Her hands on her hip, looking back at me. Her blue eyes staring back. Her long legs thin and tall. When I looked at the reflection of me, I did not feel that it was me. As if some girl was looking back, staring. I tore my eyes away from the window. I did not want to freak someone out.  Someone would think I was stalking them or something.

I decided to go to the local park today. I walked towards the cross walk. The street wasn't very busy today. Only a couple cars on the street. I crossed the street and entered the park. I sat at my usual bench. I go here a lot. Mostly when I need to think about something. Today I just wanted to watch the scenery. I love to watch life go on around me. I love to hear the birds sing their song, and the squirrels chase each other down the trees and back up. It really is kind of cute, like that kid over there. He is licking his ice cream, while crossing the street. He looks about five years old. He is what I would imagine my kid would look like if I had one.

This kid is about average size for his age. He has short soft blonde hair, with blue eyes. He has a pointed chin with dimples. He seems like the type of kid that is always smiling, even when he's sad. The type of kid that would smile just to make you feel better.

I was so caught up in the kid's smile that the sound of squeeling breaks made me jump. I looked up startled, and saw a bus heading directly at the kid. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. I wanted to run in front of the bus to bring the kid to safety, but there was no time. The only thing I could do was watch the bus slowly inch towards the kid . It was like slow motion. I swear I was about to witness something really horrible. I saw the kid close his eyes. At this point that's all there was left to do.

I was so focused on the kid that I almost didn't hear the lady scream. I looked over and saw the mother. She was in total shock. There was a person beside her. A  man was holding her back. He looked like the father. The mother had the same desire as I had, to run and save the boy.  The man was not going to let that happen. He didn't want to lose his kid and wife, but there is something else here. I think he can feel it too.

There is something else here that is going to happen, that the man can't stop. I can feel it. I felt it when my parents died in a car crash. This seems oddly familiar considering someone's life is at hand, and there is an automobile threatening it. Somehow this time feels different. More positive in a way. 

I looked back at the kid, and was shocked by what I didn't see. The kid wasn't there. He must be under the bus. The bus is stopped, and he is not there, so there could only be one thing that this could mean. My senses lied to me. I took this as a good sign and look what happens. He got hit by the bus and his mother had to watch it. There is no amount of thearapy that would fix this for her. I lost my parents and I'm still not over it. She watched her kid die. There are no words to describe that. 

I looked at the mother, half afraid of what her expression would be like. I expected to see her on her knees, crying. Or maybe in shock, but when I looked at her she wasn't sad at all. In shock yes, but sad no. She was laughing and relieved. I was about to get angry when I noticed her kid beside her, hugging her so tightly that the mother couldn't breath.

My senses weren't lying. Miracles truly can happen. The only way that this could have happened was the kid jumped out of the way. I was so happy to see that the kid was safe.

I looked over at the kid again and the sight of the kid took my breath away. There he stood, unharmed. The incident didn't seem to startle the kid at all. He stood there hugging his mom, and smiling. He was petting his mother's hair, as if consoling his mother.

I was right. This kid was more concerned with the people around him, then him himself. No wonder why this kid was saved. If had to put a name to him, I would guess that his name would be something along the lines of lucky. Or something incredible just like the kid.

I was taken off guard when I was pushed backward. Some idiot walked right me! I turned around to yell at him.

"Hey!" I yelled as the guy kept walking.

The guy looked back at me and winked.

I ran to catch up with him. I don't know why but I must talk to him. I know he had something to do with this. He was no where in sight before the incident and then after, a couple seconds later, he is right beside me.

"Hey! What are you doing!?" I yelled.

What I meant to say was how did you do that.

He winked at me and said, "Just doing what I do best," and walked away.

For some reason I was sad when he walked away. Although I knew that this isn't the end of it. Not by a long shot. As I saw today, my senses never lie to me.

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